STUCK IN 2 WORLDS: Cloak & Dagger chapter 5

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Chapter 5

     It was William, the vampire who seemed to hate me the most. His face was just as the book had described it: shadowed, wrinkled, and hard. His lips were pulled back; his sharp, white teeth were like daggers that could cut through even the hardest bones. A horrifying mask, but still obviously his face. Worst of all, he looked angrier than I had ever seen him before. I didn’t move. I figured if he was going to kill me, he might as well do it here and now. I couldn’t run anymore.

     William walked over to me. I felt every step he took in my chest, in my heart. But with every step, his face changed back to the one that I was familiar with. His teeth retracted into his gums, like shells disappearing into a wave-crashed beach, and his lips slid back into place. His eye color became the bright blue I remembered, and the dark shadows disappeared.

     “Where are you going?” he said between clenched teeth.

     I didn’t answer. Opening my mouth took too much thought and energy. My mind was paralyzed.

     “Where are you going?” he screamed, now in my face. I looked down at the snow. I could feel his breath on my forehead, could smell the blood that he had devoured. I did not look up; I was too scared. Waiting for the moment when he would either sink his teeth into my skin or snap my neck.

     Instead, he grabbed me around my waist with his two strong hands, threw me over his shoulder, and started running. Fast. I don’t think I’d ever known anything to move this fast, not even an airplane. Then I remembered the dreams I’d had when I first got here. Feeling like I was moving at a high speed without my feet being on the ground. Were those dreams memories of that first night, when William had rescued me from the monster?

     Suddenly, we were in front of the Scott house. In the span of minutes, we had traveled the distance it had taken me an entire day to cross. Without stopping, William rushed inside with me over his shoulder. Everyone was sitting there and staring at me in shock. I was not sure if it was a good shock or a bad one. William dropped me on the sofa and turned to Ester.

     “Warm her up and give her something hot to eat and drink. I will be back later.”

     Ericka stood up. “She’s turning our lives upside down. We need to do something other than feed her soup. Fast.”

     I started to cry.


     It had been a week since I discovered that I lived in a house full of vampires. William hadn’t been back to the house since the day he had rescued me from the mountain lion. The only time I had even seen him was a few days ago, through my bedroom window, standing at the edge of the forest staring back at me.

     “Good morning!” Ester greeted me in my room as she had every morning since my return. I didn’t say anything back to her. What was so good about it? That I was still alive? I had not left my room or talked to any of them all week. When they saw I wasn’t getting out of my room to even eat, they started to bring my meals to my room. I hardly touched my meals. All I did was huge my pillow and sob for being so stupid and getting my self trapped again —this time by vampires probably worse than my father. But maybe it was time for some answers.

     “How did he find me so fast?” I demanded. Ester looked startled, probably that I’d spoken at all, but also that I sounded so demanding.

     “Your scent,” she said as she folded her arms across her chest. She was standing in the middle of my room, wearing black pants and a white top with black heels, and her hair was up in a ponytail, which made her eyes seem larger than they already were. “We can find people by their scents. Every human scent is a little different, and since you had been staying with us for a while now, we knew what your scent was like. William was able to smell your scent miles away and found you,” she explained. I listened, but that wasn’t the only thing I wanted to know.

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