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Castiel whiped the blood from his face smearing it to make him look like a predator.Well that's basically what he was.....a predator who killed people for FUN.Castiel used to be a normal well nerdy..abused..bullied...depressed kid.That was all until he went on a rampage and killed everyone in his school.Well back to the story... He grabbed a price of paper on the woman's desk and wrote on it...

I will kill until I find my opponent..Dean Winchester

That's what he wrote on everynote.He got up smiled at the camera and walked away.


He whiped the blood from his face and smirked.Another murder gon right.Dean used to be a punk with a dream that people ruined.They bullied him into his depression.That was until he went on a rampage and lied everyone in his school.They begged for there lives.But he didn't care.Now back to the story.He looked like a savage.He found a price of paper and wrote something down.

I will not rest until I find my opponent and KILL him.

He looked at the camera and smirked.Then he walked out of the building.

Serial Killers (Destiel AU)Where stories live. Discover now