Engagement Party, Revisited

Start from the beginning

"I don't want to leave your arms either."

Kava's heart sped up suddenly. Ella could hear it only because she had her ear against the powerful chest.

The bells rang once more.

"Those were the final bells." Kava said gently. "You have to go."

"I know." Ella whispered, not moving a muscle. Kava didn't let go either. "I need to go to the feast. You too."


Silence fell. Right behind the hedge the nobles were moving to the dining hall, laughing and chatting excitedly.



"I sometimes think how it would be... if it didn't come up. If we got married before my father realized you're a woman. Do you?"

"Yes. Sometimes."

"If we had another chance, do you think you could... love me? Not as a duty, but... Just for me?"

Kava was very quiet for a moment.

"You speak of treason." She finally said, breaking the hug. Ella missed the warmth already. "I don't want to give you the wrong idea. You're set to marry my brother and I am not to stand in the way."

"But you want to, don't you? You want to stand in the way?"

Kava leaned forward, their lips connecting. The kiss was hungry and hot, desperate from both sides.

"I can't. I can't."  Kava whispered. "I can't stand in the way no matter how I want to. Once you marry him, I— I can come visit. From Great Tundra. He won't be there, so..."

"I want you forever. I want everyone to know that. I don't want us to hide."

"We can't. We both have duties."

"You don't want to be King Hunter." Ella whispered, desperate. "And I want you to be with me."

"There is no chance for us in this lifetime. The peace is more important than both of us." Kava said, her eyes sad. "You don't know everything about me. Living with me would would be hell."

"It wouldn't. I know about—"

"Princess Ella!" Robert called out right next to their hideout. Kava and Ella took a step away from each other. "Princess Ella! The feast!"

She stole one more kiss before leaving the bushes. It was short and sweet.

Soon enough she was sitting in the banquet hall, her late arrival barely noticed by her future husband. King Savi, on the other hand, was visibly relieved that she came back. Kava sat next to her brother, perfectly neutral.

Food was amazing, but Ella could barely stomach anything. Her eyes kept drifting to Kava, who in turn was completely ignoring her. Ella knew it was for the best. They both had duties they couldn't escape. If Kava became her Lord Husband, she wouldn't need to become the king, but now she had to and she would be miserable. Ella would need to live with her husband who would be ignoring her for most of their time together and would just use her for creating an offspring, all other times he would be gone, and she would be alone in a completely new place.

She hated the idea.

And yet everyone was celebrating it. It was a great event, a peace between two countries. It didn't matter what Ella wanted. She was just a pawn.

That was just it. It didn't matter who she was. Just as easily Kava had been replaced with Laem, discarded when she was no longer useful, Ella could be replace with anybody else with the same position. Her siblings were already married, but she had many cousins that were politically available. Brivania and Great Tundra didn't care. These were just countries. Just concepts.

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