27. i think about you constantly

Start from the beginning

liked by notryanreynolds and others
katmart, my girlfriend is so pretty in the last picture
tagged, notryanreynolds  captainamericafr  notcaitlinclark

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notcaitlinclark, i love when someone gives photo creds 🙏
comment liked by katmart

monc25, how much have you stared at the last picture of freya?
— jadag, im telling you rn A LOT

notryanreynolds, and just like that, kate was never allowed in the studio again!!
— katmart, what did i do??
— notryanreynolds, 1. you stole my best friend 😐 2. we literally got nothing done that day
— katmart, you literally stole my best friend first???
— notryanreynolds, idk what you're talking about

gabsonthemarsh, favs forever ❤️
comment liked by katmart

sydsaff, how many songs do you know off of the album kate
— captainamericafr, absolutely none except for difficult!
— katmart, she (and leah) won't let me hear them 😐

captainamericafr, i look very good in the last picture thank you
— katmart, yes i agree, you look very pretty :)

kate's pov

"All right, good job today, girls," Bluder says, dismissing practice. It was a longer practice than normal, but the coaches always tried to make it fun. We scrimmaged and worked on shots for a while, but I was exhausted. I was ready to go see Freya. She was picking me up and I was staying at her apartment tonight, but I was just ready to see her.

Caitlin, Mon, and I were the last ones in the locker room. The last ones (besides the coaches) to leave Carver.

"Jesus Christ," I mumble when we step out of the locker room. My eyes immediately land on Connor who I just hope of here to grab something for his dad and he'll leave us alone.

Monika shakes her head a bit, "Just ignore him," she whispers, walking between Caitlin and I as we nod. We hadn't liked him since the moment any of us met him. I was surprised he even had any friends.

Connor is shaking his head as he passes us and Caitlin rolls her eyes, "What is your problem?" Caitlin asks. So much for ignoring him. Monika gives Caitlin a what-the-fuck look, but Caitlin's eyes are trained on Connor who has stopped and turned around to us.

He points at the Caitlin and I, "Your girlfriends are some bitches," he tells us, shrugging his shoulders. Why would he even say that out of nowhere? I cock my head. I think some of the anger Freya has towards him as started rubbing off on me, but he really shouldn't be talking about other's girlfriends when his is literally a cheater.

He just looks at Caitlin now, "I had yours when she was 17, so," Connor says, shrugging his shoulders as if he didn't just say that Leah was underage when they dated.

"What the fuck did you just say?" Caitlin asks, raising her voice just a bit, "I am going to beat the shit out of you," she adds and he just puts on a smile.

Monika presses her hands to one of Caitlin's shoulders and one of mine. No one had to look at the two of us to know we were mad. In a fairly short time, I had gotten close with Leah, mostly because Freya and I saw her and Caitlin nearly everyday.

"You shouldn't look proud of that fact, you fucking idiot," I spit at him and he shrugs. It wouldn't surprise me if he was expecting us to completely ignore what he said.

Monika turns the two of us around at the same time, "Go, you two will both get suspended from playing if you get into a fight with him," she warns and the three of us walk out of Carver, hearing Connor laugh about it from behind us.

We all part ways when we get outside and I walk toward Freya's car. She's leaning against her car, looking at her phone as she waits for me. I'm still pissed off at Connor and I'm sure it shows on my face because Freya frowns slightly when she looks at me.

"What's wrong?" she asks when I reach her. I shoulder my bag as I shake my head. She tilts her head, taking my face in her hands as she makes me look at her, "Baby, what's up? You seem mad."

I wet my lips, wondering how she'll take it if I tell her what Connor just said. After a few moments, I let out a sigh, "Connor found Caitlin and I after practice and told us that he was dating Leah when she was 17," I tell her. I watch as my girlfriend's face completely falls, her hands hanging at her sides now as she balls them into fists.

She glances from the building back to me, taking a deep breath, "Is he still inside?" she asks, obviously very pissed off.  At this time, he walks outside, holding papers in his hands, presumably for his dad.

Freya's eyes land on him and she immediately starts walking his way, "Freya, stop," I try but she's already starting to yell at him. She's a very nice person until it comes to someone hurting her friends, then she gets very pissed and is willing to confront anyone about it.

"Are you a fucking dumbass?" she says before catching herself, "Don't answer that, we already know you are."

"What the fuck do you want?" Connor asks, rolling his eyes.

Freya shakes her head. She's much shorter than him which makes me a little nervous, but I know she can handle herself. I make my way to stand next to her in case anything happens.

"I know you think you're fucking special because of your dad, but what you did is creepy, you fuck," Freya shoots at him, she is seething, "She was 17. What made you think that that was okay?"

He just smirks, "I don't think this is your business. Just be a good girl and leave it alone."

In a matter of seconds, Freya flattens her hand and slaps him across the face, "Never say that to me again," she says and immediately, I gently grab ahold of her elbow to pull her away before the situation can escalate.

"Fuck you," he snaps, glaring at Freya. Once he sees that I've grabbed her, he says, "Control your bitch, Kate."

I clench my jaw and shake my head, "Leave, Connor, now," I say, practically demanding he go as I walk Freya back to her car. Fortunately, he does what I told him to do.

I walk Freya over to the passenger seat of the car. I was not letting her drive with how angry she was. Leah is literally like her sister and if anything happened to Leah, Freya would lose her mind.

"I probably shouldn't have done that," she says softly when I get in the car, turning it on when I see her keys are already in the ignition.

I shake my head, "He deserved it," I reassure, grabbing her hand.

She intertwines our fingers, "I let my anger get the best of me when it comes to him," she says, looking at our hands. "He's such a bad fucking person."

"I know," I confirm. We fall silent for a few moments, "If it makes you feel better, I'm glad you did that. I'm sure Caitlin would be too. Monika made us leave before Cait could do anything."

She just nods, leaning her head against my upper arm. I press a kiss to the top of her head before pulling out of the Carver parking lot to go home.

authors note
love hate relationship w this 👍🏻

¹ two people,  kate martin Where stories live. Discover now