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Name: Ian

Age: 1 year old angel (appearance of 20 year old)

Gender: Male but can change forms into a female if he must

Sexuality: Unknown (Gay)

Position: If he's taught about it then he's a sub

Ian is very innocent. He's very naive and trusting toward everyone. He wants to have a lot of friends and give them a lot of affection and attention until they become his friend. He's very clingy to his friends and new people. Basically everyone He doesn't know about the evil in this world and thinks everything is nice. He loves to have a lot of attention and he loves to be playful. If he sees someone in need he won't hesitate to help him

He is a brand new angel, only recently created. He is very naive and innocent thinking everyone is capable of being good. He lives to make new friends and loves to explore earth as well. He doesn't understand how dangerous some of the world can be or even demons could be. He just thinks they are like him with different coloured wings as nobody taught him yet


Brother: James another older angel who he considers his older brother

 Flowers , plushies they remind him of the soft wings, nature, everyone, sweets, drawing, gardening, cuddles, animals, demons, you (later)

Dislikes: Mean people, bullies, abusers, people getting hurt, making people upset, people manipulating him

He is an angel

Angel form and human form are shown above


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