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Jennie got out of the passenger seat of the Lexus and, leaning on the door, took a slow look at a large wide building with massive windows and bars, surrounded by a high fence with automatic gates and armed guards around the perimeter. There were staff and faculty cars parked in the university parking lot. Some lived right here in the apartments: it was not convenient for everyone to travel from the city to such a distance every day.

-It looks like a prison, as they say.- She chuckled, turning to the driver.- When I examined the layout of this place a week ago, Forestville did not seem so impressive. Are you sure this is a higher education institution?

-I'm sure.- Songmin pulled two bags of things out of the trunk and put them on the hood.- Are you sure you don't want me to help you carry all this to the apartment?

-I don't need you to shine here.- She slipped an electronic pass on a string around her neck.- I'm a new Forestville student, and you're just my friend who dropped me off at the entrance.

-Okay.- He picked up the bags.- Let's at least bring them to the security post.

-Calm down. I know you're worried about me, but I'm a big girl, so I'll manage on my own.

Jennie looked into her friend's worried eyes and sighed. He was really worried about her, and she understood him. She also didn't want to leave Songmin alone with contracts and cases without support. The girl wasn't sure that he still wouldn't want to meet Rose in person, and she wouldn't be there to stop him. They have developed a plan, but it is unknown how good it will be in action.

-Do you have your gun and ID with you at least?

-Are you kidding? Now all my belongings and documents will be checked at the entrance, of course, there should be nothing that will arouse suspicion.

Lee growled softly as he put the bags on the asphalt.

-We discussed it. There you will be without support, completely alone. How are you going to protect a client without a gun?

Jennie shrugged her shoulders:

-I have a ceramic and bone knife, they will not be enlightened by the equipment. At the expense of the gun, there is no way to drag it yet, which means it's not worth risking once again.

-I don't trust Parks. Write or call me at the slightest problem. I'll come right over and get you out of here.

The girl smiled, straightening the man's shirt collar.

-I know, but Forestville is not a prison, and I am a professional in my field. But thanks for your concern anyway. Well, I'm off.- She slung one bag over her shoulder and took the other in her other hand.- Stay in touch.

-Absolutely.- He answered seriously, watching his partner disappear behind the sliding doors of the entrance hall of the university.

The large, spacious foyer was deserted, with only a guard at the entrance. In order to get inside, it was necessary to put the bags on the tape and go through the checkpoint. The security service here was harsh. She wonder if they don't have a drug-testing dog? Jennie noticed another security guard on the other side and a female receptionist sitting at a computer at a small counter behind glass. A man in a security uniform and with a baton on his belt watched with polite indifference as she put down her bags and walked through the frame. The girl made sure in advance that there were no keys or change in her pockets. She went to the receptionist and calmly introduced herself, asking where she should go. She checked the data on the database and called somewhere, offering to wait five minutes.

Boram fulfilled its part of the deal by transferring a large sum to the account of the Kim security agency. Her task was to have Jennie accepted into Forestville without an interview and placed in close proximity to her sister. She had to create a new personality, where Jennie appeared in the image of the heiress of a large fortune from one rich family, who were distant relatives of the Parks. According to legend, she lived in Australia for a long time and moved to these places quite recently.

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