Yard work

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"What!? NO Way, " I yelled. "Do you want me to call your mom?" Taylor responded. "Well," I pondered. "Fine," I said in defeat. I unzip my shorts. Then, I pulled down the shorts and took it off my legs.

"Now give me your shorts," Taylor demanded. I handed her my shorts, feeling really exposed. "Take your shirt off," Taylor demanded. I was going to say somethings but from one look at Taylor, I decided just to give her my shirt.

"Uh, interesting. I didn't know you were a white underwear person." Taylor commented while she grabbed the shirt off me. "Now start raking," Taylor demanded.

I went outside and started raking. ("The one thing good about being in my underwear in the backyard is that there are walls all over. So no one can see") I thought. I then heard the backyard door to my home open up. I turned around and saw my neighbor 7 years old daughter.

"Why is he in his undies?" The shocked little girl asked my babysitter. "Because he needs to rake the leaves, and it's way too hot to wear shorts and a shirt." My babysitter explained to the girl.

"There is my ball." She pointed to a ball in the middle of the backyard. She ran to the ball and picked it up, and headed back inside. "Thank you," She said. "You are totally welcome," Taylor responded

"Why did you let her in?" I asked. "Because her ball was her duh. Now I know it's hot outside, so her a glass of water, " Taylor said while putting a glass of water on the table outside. I was getting thirsty. I headed over to the table and started drinking the water.

After an hour and several cups of water later, I was done raking the leaves. "Good job. I will go ahead and take that trash can of leaves and dump it in the trash bin in the parking lot, " Taylor said. She then went over to the trash can and started dragging across the backyard towards the house.

But while she was dragging, it leaves where pouring out because the trash can open top was facing down too much. "Taylor. Taylor. Taylor. TAYLOR!" I said while my voice was getting lounder and lounder. "What?" Taylor asked while turning around and saw the leaves on the ground.

"Oh my bad," Taylor said while not sounding sorry at all. "Well, you might want to start raking these leaves a again," Taylor demanded. After about half an hour more and a few glasses of water, I was done. I need to go to the bathroom but can't risk Taylor grabbing the trash can again.

So I went ahead and grabbed the trash can and started carrying it through the house. When opening the front door, I look both ways to see if no one is looking. I then ran across the parking lot to the trash bin and threw the leaves away.

I ran back to my house, trying to hold in my pee. I tried opening the door, but for some reason, it was locked. "Let me in!" I yelled while crossing my legs, holding my pee. After a few more knocks, I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Luke.? Why are you outside in your underwear?" My girlfriend Ashley said. I turn around in shock. As soon I turned around, my underwear got warmer and wet. My girlfriend was staring eyes wide open down at my underwear.

I looked down and saw a big wet spot in the middle bottom of my underwear, and my underwear was leaking pee onto the ground.

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