I see a threat to our plans, a heir to the Antartic throne. I see a fucking puking baby who will only cause us problems down the fucking line! Now, put that baby down and finish this! Dream rolled his eyes, letting a soft sigh leave his lips at Nightmare's words. 

“I see a piece of the chess board we would be wasting, if we killed him now.” Nightmare paused, dream could tell he was thinking, and dream smirked at the thought. “I see a child that will grow up to be strong, with wings that will strike fear, and ones that will protect us.”

What are you getting at, Dream? He snarls. You’re really not thinking what I think you’re thinking, are you? Dream chuckles, lifting his mask off as watching the wonder fill the child's face once again. Oh my gods you are. 

“He could be useful, Nightmare. A living weapon. His father is the angel of death, can you imagine what he’ll be capable of when he grows up?” 

So what, we’re gonna kidnap him? Nightmare growls out. Dream only rolls his eyes, bringing the child closer to his chest. 

“I wouldn’t say kidnap… Just a… surprise adoption.” Dream smiles, feeling Nightmare’s irritation rolling off of him. 

You’re insufferable. Dream smiles, looking at the avian as many idea’s roll through his brain. 

“You’ll see Nightmare, he’ll be very useful to us.” 

— ~ —

When they had finally driven the Dreamer soldiers out of their kingdom, they all cheered in victory. But for some reason, something seemed off. Yes, they had won, they were winning during the battle, striking down one soldier after another, but when that retreat horn rang through the battlefield, Philza couldn’t help the awful feeling from consuming his being. How come he hadn't seen king Dream once? Where had he been during their battle?

Philza didn’t feel like this was a victory. Even so, the king cheered along his comrades, but when it was over and they began fixing the damages done and hauling the dead out, the blonde couldn’t help the itch to go and find his family to make sure they were safe. He had to find his wife and children. Philza had told his wife to hide with their children, to take them into their safe room, and wait with them until he came to get them. 

She had wanted to help him, defeat the enemies by his side and make sure nothing happened to Philza. They both were on their last lives after all, and neither wanted to see the other die. He had managed to talk her out of it, telling the queen that their children needed them. She had listened, leaving the king to go and find them to hide. He had handed a sword to her before she left, hoping that if anything happened, she could at least protect them. Some soldiers were already inside, dragging fallen soldiers to the medical wing of the castle to get the help they needed after the fight. 

Philza walked down the halls, sword at his side as he headed to the safe room to find his wife and kids. But when he opened the door with the key and saw it empty, fear ran through his veins as he paled. He whipped his head around, brown eyes turning into slits during his panic. Where were they? He began to run down the halls, eyes whipping around as he began to call out his wife’s name. “Rose? ROSE!” he stopped when he heard a door open, eyes turning towards it to see his middle child peeking his head out with tearful eyes. Wilbur, his brown eyes were puffy as he stared up towards his father, shoving the door open the rest of the way and opening his arms as he began to cry again. Philza rushed to his son, picking the child up and pulling him into his chest, letting a shaky sigh leave his throat. “I’m here.” He spoke softly, rubbing his hand against his son's back to comfort him. “I’ve got you, Wilbur.” The brunette seemed to cry harder at that, the boy's grip on his father growing tighter. 

“M-mama… screaming… Theseus’s r-room. Ma-ma…” Philza looked up towards his youngest door, seeing it open as if becoming him in. Philza began to shake, lifting himself up onto his legs, still holding his young son close to his chest, he began to walk closer to the door. When he pushed the door open, he almost screamed at what he saw. His eyes grew wide, mouth agape as he stared down at his dead wife. A pool of blood surrounded her, her pink hair covering her face as she gripped onto the sword Philza had handed her. She was dead, and Philza couldn’t help the amount of tears that left his eyes. He shook where he stood, shoving Wilbur’s face into his chest so the young boy wouldn’t see his dead mother as well. Rose’s last life had been used up, it was evident with the amount of blood that surrounded her body. 

“Rose…” His voice cracked as he blinked away tears, shoving his face into Wilbur’s brown curls. “Rose… no.” He heard a sniffle and looked up, finally noticing his eldest at his side. He, too, was staring down at her dead body with horrified blue eyes, his own pink hair covering his face from Philza’s view as he tilted it down. He stood next to his father, his fists tight as his body shook as if he was forcing himself not to cry.

The avian brought him into his side, hugging him close as Technoblade finally began to sob as well, holding onto his father tightly as he shoved his face into his stomach. Philza stared at his wife’s dead body, brown eyes clouded as he took in this horrid scene he wished didn’t exist. Then, he looked up towards Theseus’s crib. Theseus. Fear spiked up as his eyes widened, forcing his feet to move towards the nursery's crib that he was sure held his baby’s dead body. When he reached it, he couldn’t help the useless sobs that filled his throat.

This, this was worse than seeing his son's dead body. The crib was empty, with no sight of theseus anywhere. “This can’t be happening.” Philza said, bringing a hand to his mouth to try and silence his sobs. “This… no.” 

His son is gone, and he’s sure he’s dead. Taken from his family at such a young age. If he wasn’t dead, he would be shortly. Philza fell to the ground, gripping his two sons closer to his body as his wings consumed them. Anger filled him, yet it didn’t stop the sadness that still took over him.

The Dreamer kingdom has done something unimaginable, and they were to blame for his hurt. Brown eyes blazed with fury, looking back towards his wife's dead body. And in time, they would feel the Antarctic king's wrath. 

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