The Family

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Akira's POV

As I wake up and stresh I see Vee starting to get ready for college so I did as well and did my moring things. When all of that is done we start to walk to the college Vee has 5am classes and my classes don't start until 11 when me and him are together so I just head to the libray to see what I can find on my parents as I was reading I found the hero that I was like to much like I looked like her but white hair not sandy blond it was the Running Fox the nine tail fox hero that has water powers and it said that she had 4 kids one with white hair and ice powers before she stop showing up in news places.

As time ticks away I found out that the 4 kids are like me and my sisters one with ice, one with earth, one with fire, and finily one with air... But we haven't seen Mom scene she died but Running Fox is still a hero she... I have worked with her before... As I walk to meet Vee for the 11 classes he seen that somethings on my mind. "Looking into family?" "Yeah you know me just the old hero Running Fox... seems so filmiler..."

 "That sounds interesting," Vee said, adjusting his backpack on his shoulders. "What did you find out?""Well, Running Fox had four kids, and they all had powers like me and my sisters," I replied, remembering the details from the article in the library. "One had ice powers, one had earth, one had fire, and one had air. But the thing is, we haven't seen our mom since she died. I don't know if Running Fox is related to her or if it's just a coincidence that I look so much like her."

 Vee nodded, thoughtful. "It could be worth looking into more. Especially if Running Fox is still a hero. Maybe she knows something about your family that could help fill in the gaps."I considered this as we walked to our classes. It seemed like a long shot, but it was worth a try. Maybe Running Fox could provide some answers that I had been searching for.As the day went on, I found myself more and more preoccupied with the notion of Running Fox and what she represented. 

Was she someone who could help me uncover the secrets of my past, or was she just a coincidence that didn't mean anything?I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to the story, something that connected me to Running Fox and the world of heroes in a way that I hadn't expected. But for now, I had to focus on my classes and try to push the thoughts to the back of my mind. 

 As Vee sat next to me in our lecture, I wondered what he was thinking. Could he tell that something was bothering me, or was he lost in his own thoughts? Either way, I was grateful for his presence, and for the fact that he was always there to support me no matter what.

As soon as the bell rings I get up and heads to heroes' headcorters hopeful to catch Running Fox. As I walk in I see the nine tail fox that I am looking for. "Oi Running! I wanted to ask something?"

 "You just did kiddo!" Running Fox turned to face me, a warm smile on her face. "Well, I'm always happy to help out a fellow hero. What can I do for you?" Her voice had a comforting tone, one that instantly put me at ease. 

 I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts before speaking. "I... I recently discovered that I share some similarities with you, Running Fox. I have white hair, like one of your childen, and it turns out that you had four kids, each with a different elemental power. I couldn't help but notice that they align with the powers possessed by my sisters and me."Running Fox's eyes widened slightly, and she tilted her head as if deep in thought. "It's fascinating, isn't it? The way connections can be made. Tell me, what powers do you and your sisters possess?"

 I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how much I should reveal. But in the end, I decided to trust Running Fox. "I have ice powers, my sister has earth, another has fire, and the youngest has air."Running Fox smiled knowingly. "Well, it seems the elements run strong in your family. I am the mother of those four children, and their powers were indeed inherited from me. You see, my abilities allowed me to control water, which manifested as the powers that your sisters and you possess."I stood there stunned, trying to process the weight of this revelation. Running Fox was my mother. 

The hero I had admired from afar, the one I had unknowingly formed a connection with, was the one who had given birth to me and my sisters."I... I never knew," I managed to say, my voice filled with a mix of emotions. "Why did you disappear? Why did we grow up without you?"Running Fox's expression turned solemn, and she sighed softly. "There are many things that happened, circumstances that forced me to step away from the public eye and protect my family from a greater threat. It was a sacrifice I had to make, to ensure your safety. But it seems that you and your sisters have become remarkable heroes in your own right." 

 Vee's words echoed in my mind - that it could be worth looking into Running Fox, that she might hold the answers to my questions about our family. And now, here she was, standing in front of me, offering some semblance of answers."But that still doesn't explain why we never knew about you," I said, still grappling with all the emotions swirling inside me.Running Fox reached out and gently placed a hand on my shoulder. "Sometimes, Akira, life has a way of taking unexpected turns. I had my reasons for keeping our connection hidden, but it was never because I didn't love you or your sisters. I wanted to protect you, to keep you safe. It was a difficult decision, and one that still weighs heavily on my heart."

 Tears welled up in my eyes, a mix of sorrow, confusion, and a strange sense of relief. Running Fox pulled me into a warm embrace, and I couldn't help but cling to her, feeling the love and warmth I had missed for so long. 

As the heroes' alarm goes off and I knew who it was. "Everyone stay put I think I know who it is!" As I walk out to see Dark Puputer or Vee here. "Darky what is wrong?" "I want to rub it in that stupid Chains of Light's dead face that I can be a hero too but I have no idea where to start..." "Don't prove yourself to Chains of Light just start off being good and coming inside?" "Ok thank you Akira..." "Your welcome." As we head inside all the heroes are on egde as Vee walks in. "You can do it..." Vee takes a deep breath and speaks. "I want to be on your side..." We get a lot of Nos and angery looks but one stands out. "I say yes he was the one to take Chains of Light's Powers..."

As I look at who said it. It was Running Fox my mom. As all glares at her and another says. "Let the poor kid join!" It was one of the older heroes Hot Guy and then his side kick speaks up. "Yeah! They look sorry for the troble they cause us!" That was Cute Guy.

 The room fell silent as the group considered Vee's request. Running Fox stepped forward, a thoughtful expression on her face. "I've seen potential in this kid. He could be a valuable asset," she said, her voice soft but firm. "I say we give him a chance. After all, we were all young once."The other heroes nodded in agreement, some still looking hesitant, but willing to give Vee a chance. 

I smiled, feeling proud of Vee for taking a brave step and putting himself out there. He had always looked up to us heroes, and now he had a chance to join our ranks and make a difference."Welcome to the team, Vee," I said, grinning at him. "We'll show you the ropes, and I'm sure you'll pick things up in no time."Vee looked relieved and excited all at once, and I knew he was eager to prove himself and make a difference, just like all of us. 

As we began to discuss strategy and plan for our next mission, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and belonging. These were the people who had become like family to me, and they were the ones who had given me purpose and hope in a world that could often be dark and daunting.As we broke off into teams and prepared to head out, I made a mental note to thank Running Fox for helping to bring us all together. Without her guidance and support, I knew I would never have become the hero I always wanted to be. Now, with Vee by our side, I was confident that we could take on any challenge that came our way, and emerge victorious each and every time.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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