Interlude 2: A Love Worth Keeping (When the Red Head falls in love)

Start from the beginning

"I'll go talk to Hermione." Draco said as he stood up, leaving the two to talk among themselves. He headed towards the Ravenclaw table where he was greeted by a kiss on the cheek from his girlfriend and a bright smile from his cousin Luna.

"I can skip Herbology and ask Professor Vector to attend if you want."

"No Ronny...I don't want to distract you from class. I can take care of myself just fine, I just don't like being around him is all. If he does anything else, I'll hex him myself and then tell Professors Snape and Professor Flitwick."

"If you're sure..." Ron said hesitantly, grabbing Libra's hand in comfort, whether his or hers he didn't know. "But if you need anything..." he left the words open, knowing she'd understand. And Libra did, smiling at the boy in gratitude.

"I know."

The deathly trio (as their friends had taken to calling them behind closed doors) looked at the interaction and groaned silently at how hopeless the two were.

"Why don't they just kiss already?" Kane asked incredulously.

"I've been asking myself that question for a few months now." Leo told his best friend. "Like it wasn't enough watching the agony that was Draco and Hermione trying to get together, not we have to go through it again but with Ron and Libra this time."

"Ugh...I just hope they get their problems solved before the whole Tri-Wizard Tournament thing." Hadrian said, sharing an exasperated eye roll with the other two.


The Gryffindors started their day with Herbology in the Greenhouses, where Professor Sprout started by giving them a rather serious speech about OWLs and their importance (a speech they knew would be repeated in different ways throughout the week) while Professor Park was standing to the side and smirking at them smugly. They were told later on that he would be assisting them sometimes to make sure everyone was doing okay and would be hosting extra session for those weak in Herbology to make sure they are up to speed with everything.

The man simply nodded to acknowledge Professor Sprouts words before going back to smiling at them brightly with his large eyes, causing a lot of girls to swoon.

They liked Professor Park, who'd been a good influence on them during second and third year, and were looking forward to the extra classes.

After a rather gruelling lesson where they revised how to care for and extract ingredients from Mandrakes (where everyone most definitely had a headache by the end of it, regardless of the earmuffs they had on), they headed deeper into the grounds where Professor Scamander was waiting for them and the Slytherins to arrive for class. Those that didn't take Care of Magical Creatures headed back to the Castle while those that did waited for the Slytherins to arrive from their other class (either Runes or Muggle studies, which were divided into two groups at different times if you took the two).

"Welcome back to school everyone!" Professor Scamander said enthusiastically after she was sure everyone had arrived. "Today I have a very special guest to start the fifth year and OWL curriculum. I'm not going to bore you with the whole OWL speech because I know the others will be boring you with it so I'm just going to start."

The students sighed in relief at the news, causing the woman to laugh before she reached into her pocket and everyone looked on in curiosity. Seconds passed before Evangeline extended her hand and a small wooden creature stood on her palm, fidgeting shyly and not making eye contact with anyone.

"This is Pickett, my father's companion and a Bowtruckle." And thus the session started, with all the students focusing on in wide eyed interest.


"So," Ron started slowly. "Did he do anything?"


"Then what's wrong?"

"I just realised something." And Libra really did sound different from her usual calm, sarcastic self. She sounded apprehensive and a little nervous which was definitely unlike her.

"What is it?" Ron asked curiously; Libra's realisations were always interesting.

"I really like you Ronald Weasley." Ron laughed a bit at her words.

"Well of course I like you two. I mean we've known each other for five years, if you didn't like me I'd be concerned."

"No...I like you not in a friends way." And the gasp she heard was all the answer she needed. "Forge-"

"No! I mean... I really Like you too Libra Lestrange. Will you go on a date with me?"

"I-I'd like that..." The two shared a short laugh at their awkwardness before it developed into full on cackling.

"Merlin we're a mess."



At breakfast the next morning, their friends and family members noticed a large difference in the two. They'd glance at each other every few seconds and exchange shy smiles. While Leo and Draco grilled their cousin on what happened, Fred and George started teasing their brother on his shyness and the obvious signs that he'd finally made a move.

The day went on and was quite well for all of them. The sessions were informative but slightly stressful – as all OWL sessions were – but they weren't as pressured as their peers due to the lessons they took every day during the summer with their relatives.

The weeks passed on normally, until it was time for the other schools to arrive, which was the event people had been looking forward to most. That and the tournament itself. The group of fifth years still wondered...would the year really pass as peacefully as the others.

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