Know Each Other

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After the embarrassing moment, Wangji didn't come out of his room... Not even for dinner... Yanli comes to call him for dinner but Wangji neither open the door nor responds to her...

While in the drawing room... Five people are sitting and they are laughing about something...

"Did you see his reaction??? Gosh, I can't control myself..😂" utter a Yuchen while Cheng and the twin brothers nodded their heads and Lusi smiled as she found these things interesting...

"A-Sean... A-Xian... What is the sudden reason to arrive here?" ask Yanli as she approaches them with a stern look... She looks like a lioness

Both twin brothers sigh and utter...

"They know about us...they know about her too... So we come here..." uttered Sean while Wuxian message his forehead, as he stressed about her

"What is the reason to bring that boy here? " Cheng asked as he take a sip from his coffee...

Both twin brothers are silent for a while... They look into each other eyes and take out a heavy sigh...

"As a replacer for a while..."

Yanli & Lusi widen their eyes in shock😱 while Yuchen & Cheng have a neutral look...😐

"You know it can harm that boy's life," uttered Yuchen with a serious look...


"We don't have any option, we have to save her... She is under the treatment of healers... Those bastards think she is with us that's why they are going to attack our place... But we left that place before they can harm us..." utter Wuxian with a poker face

" utter Wuxian with a poker face

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Everyone took a deep sigh... They are out of words, On One side they want to save her, but on the other side, they don't want to hurt Wangji too...

"Don't hurt Wangji, he is innocent" Utter Yanli...

They were quiet for a while and seems to engage in their thought.

Lusi notice the time & utter
"Guys, it's almost dinner time, let's eat together."

They all nodded & sit at the dining table, This time, there is no one, throwing a cute glare & making his food into khichdi...😆

After their dinner, Yanli prepare the meal for Wangji, she takes the tray & heading toward Wangji's room but before she reach it, Sean come & took the plate from her hand...

"Shijie, you go to your bedroom, you seem tired too... I will give it to him"

"A-Sean, he is innocent baby, don't hurt him" Utter Yanli while stroking Sean's cheek...

Sean unsurely nodded his head & move toward the Wangji room...

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