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Without further adieu, I present to you...

L O N G  N I G H T 

- Lucille Granger -

After I spent the majority of my day in Hermione's dormitory talking about her summer with the Weasleys, I mustered up the courage to confront Draco about whatever Pansy was pestering about.

I made it back to the Slytherin Commons where I saw Draco peacefully reading yet another book on the velvet tufted sofa. Gathering my courage, I approached him with a deep breath. He looked up at me with his grey empty eyes, let out a huff, and then went back to his reading.


I grabbed his book and slammed it close, resulting in a disgusted face. "You can use your words, Lucille, you should know better," he said with disdain.

"Why did Pansy come up to me today with such a punchable face?" I retorted, arms crossed with his unnecessarily heavy book in my hand.

"I suppose that's just how you perceive her," Draco spoke flatly. "Now, may I have my book back, Granger?"

I shook my head. "She came to me and said 'Draco's all yours'. Any idea why she would say that?"

He grinned as he stood up from the sofa, nearly towering over me. "I don't see any reason to complain," Draco said as he took ahold of his book. "Apparently, I'm all yours, now."

I forcefully placed my hands on his shoulders, pushing him back onto the sofa, surprising him. "Are you always this feisty?" he queried playfully.

"Are you always this avoidant?" I countered. "What did you say to her?"

"All I said was that I was done with her," he replied nonchalantly. "One can only assume she's just a jealous git."

"Yes, but why toward me?" I pressed, trying to connect the pieces.

"I suppose it's because most of Slytherin adores you," he remarked. "For whatever reason," he added with a lower tone. "Now that I've lost interest in her, I guess she's got no one else."

"Maybe she shouldn't be such a cunt," I snapped. "If she were nicer, I'm sure everyone would be able to tolerate her. That's her own fault.."

Draco shrugged, reopening his book and returning to reading. Annoyed, I once again yanked his book from his hands, eliciting a groan from him.

"Lucille, for fuck's sake," he muttered under his breath. "What else do you want from me?"

"If she comes for me once more, you'll be the next one I slap," I threatened.

An arched brow came from him. "You...hurt her again?"

"I might've," I said. "She called my sister a mudblood, so."

"Is she not?" Draco joked. The air grew still as the pieces fell into place in his eyes.

Yes, I slapped him.

His face remained turned away from me, where I had struck him. Finally, he turned to me with a blank expression

"I guess I should've seen that coming," he huffed, adjusting his tie. "Lucille, you are aggressive."

"And you're a piece of shit."

"You can be as physical as you want," Draco spoke with a dismissive tone. "Just know that it's words that'll get your point across."

"Oh, shut up," I fought back. "You and that cunt have been tormenting people like me for years. It's about time someone does something."

"Getting physical is the answer?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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