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Dean and Seamus had returned to Hogwarts after a long and well embarrassing holiday - at least on Seamus' part.

They were still adjusting to being out as a couple. There were still snickers and crude notes here and there but they managed.

Seamus still made all manner of things explode but it was becoming a lesser occurrence much to his satisfaction.

They had spoken more about intimacy and decided they would wait until it felt right.

"I want to make sure we're both ready", Dean had said, "What we have is special."

Seamus had whole heartedly agreed. Everything about their relationship was special. Seamus didn't want anything to change. He reveled in their late night talks, their frequent rough housing, and especially the way Dean held him at night.

They couldn't lose what they had finally found in each other.

It was a rather dreary Monday when Seamus received a letter from his mother. He immediately elbowed Dean who was scoffing down eggs and bacon. He started to choke and took a hasty drink of his pumpkin juice. When he had swallowed, Dean smiled sympathetically.

"Go on to the dorms to read it. I'll be here."

Seamus pecked his cheek and rushed to Gryffindor tower.

When he closed the door to the shared dormitory, Seamus tore the letter from his robes.

Climbing into his four poster, Seamus unfolded the parchment.

He took a steadying breath and allowed himself to read his mother's sloping cursive.

Dearest, Seamus,

I'm sorry. Over the last few months I have realized I have failed as your mother. You have been my greatest light in my life and I have done nothing to express that most recently because of my own stupidity. You did nothing to warrant my actions or words. I am embarrassed of my behavior. I am especially ashamed of your father having to correct my horridness with not only you, but your partner to witness. I know I am late to regret my actions and offenses towards you. You certainly inherited my pride. Please allow me to apologize and properly introduce myself to your Dean. I promise to not make as big of an arse of myself as I did over the holiday. I love you.


"What the fuck."

Seamus couldn't breathe couldn't think. He didn't dare even blink for fear of having dreamt the entire letter.

He simply waited for a curse or jinx to fly from the parchment or for his mother's voice to bellow from it like a howler. 

Nothing happened, though Seamus remained still for a long time - long enough for Dean to wander up to the dormitory in search of him.

Seamus didn't even speak. He simply shoved the letter into Dean's hands and waited some more - still stuck in his shocked state.

Finally, Dean spoke. He smiled warily.

"I guess I get to meet your Mum, again?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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