12. Wrestle

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Hi again !! Okay, so this chapter is kind of weird to write since it's about how Maya and Anna join the wrestling team, but I honestly cannot see Delilah as the type to be into wrestling at all. Also, Alex isn't even on the team either way in the show; it's just Brandt and Dustin. So I'm thinking I write about both Alex and Delilah showing up to their friends' wrestling matches just to support them & stuff but I also wanna write some cute scenes for them since they're dating now. If you guys are okay with that.

Also, thank u guys for 1k views :) i got to #1 on the pen15 hashtag today !! (8/7/23)


"Where are you off to?" Delilah asked Brandt as she ran up to greet him.

"I got wrestling practice," Brandt grinned as he put an arm around her shoulder. "Why? Wanna join the team?"

Delilah rolled her eyes. "Yeah, obviously," she sarcastically responded. "I didn't know you wrestled. You're a bit scrawny, dude."

"Speak for yourself," he scoffed, ruffling her hair as they walked side by side. "I'm the best on the team. And I am not scrawny. I'm fucking built."

She laughed as they walked through the outdoor corridors of the school, taking a shortcut to the gym. "Damn. I dunno why, but I feel like someone's following us or something."

"For real?" Brandt asked as he turned around to check. "Honestly, I was thinking the same thing. We must both be insane or something. Have we been spending too much time together?"

"Definitely," Delilah snickered. "I can tell that we're rubbing off on each other a bit too much."

They both walked into the gym, and Brandt turned around to talk to her. "Wanna hang out here for a while and watch our practice?"

She shrugged in return and smiled. "Sure. I don't have much homework to do, anyways. I'll check out your so called 'wrestling skills.'"

As she placed her bag on the bleachers and sat down, Delilah glanced over and noticed Maya staring at Brandt from the door. Confused, she got back up and began walking over before Anna showed up as well, wrapping Maya in a hug.

"I think I wanna join wrestling," Maya mumbled as she looked back at Brandt.

Delilah laughed as Anna pulled the two of them aside. "Why? 'Cause Brandt's on the team?"

"No! Stop saying his name so loud," Maya whined. "He's literally right there."

"Are you serious, Mai?" Anna groaned.

"Okay. Listen to me. I didn't even know Brandt was in there. I promise. I mean like honestly, I have always wanted to wrestle," Maya said.

Anna sighed. "Whatever. You guys... some girls wrote 'desperate slut' in my chorus folder."

"I'm so sorry, 'Na," Delilah said, pulling Anna in for a hug.

"Listen to me. I hate girls right now, okay? I'm over them," Maya shrugged. "I just like guys, you know? Because guys don't gossip; they don't talk about that stuff like that, they're not mean... I just-I just feel like if we go in there, we can just try it out, and if you hate it, then we don't ever have to go back. Okay? Just you, Lila, me... and ten guys. That's it."

Delilah crossed her arms. "Okay, there is no way in hell I'm joining the wrestling team. Also, guys gossip all of the time. Most of them are complete assholes. You know that, right?"

"Yeah, Mai. I'm not joining wrestling," Anna said.

Maya held up her hands defensively. "Fine, fine. But I have an inner voice inside of me that sounds a lot like my voice, and it's telling me to go in there and wrestle. And I-I can't ignore it, so I have to go, and I'd like you two to join. Or at least watch and be good friends."

Yours. ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Pen15 (Alex)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant