His dagger slashed at the spider's eyes.

'Effect: Paralysis' has been activated. But the effect has been cancelled due to the high resistance of the target.

'Effect: Bleeding' has been activated. The target's stamina will decrease by 1% per second.


One of the two special effects the Poison Fang of Kasaka possessed had activated successfully.

The spider roared out and staggered about.

Jin-Woo didn't miss this opening.

The moment his two feet landed back on the ground, he jumped up again and climbed on the spider's body to get to the top of its head. The spider went crazy and swung its legs all over the place, but Jin-Woo wasn't going to let those blind attacks land on him. Holes continued to appear on the poor, blameless ground instead.

Now standing on top of the spider's head, Jin-Woo began stabbing the eyes of the spider with his dagger. The spider rampaged around this way and that, but Jin-Woo endured till the end and continued to shove his dagger into the head of the spider.

The spider began tottering about dangerously. It was obviously getting damaged now. Seeing this, Jin-Woo's hands picked up speed. And eventually, the huge body of the spider finally tilted to the side.


However, Jin-Woo didn't stay his hand. No, he kept going at it, until the spider was dead for sure. Along with the final gasps from the spider, several messages popped up in his view.

You've killed the owner of this dungeon.

Level up!

Level up!

Level up!

"I did it!"

While covered from head to toe in the spider blood, Jin-Woo raised his hands up high. Maybe because it was a boss monster, his level jumped up by three.

"Status Window."

Name: Sung Jin-Woo

Level: 21

Class: None

Title: None

HP: 2,600

MP: 391

Tiredness: 0


Strength: 53

Stamina: 30

Agility: 38

Intelligence: 30

Perception: 32

Available points to distribute: 0


Passive skills:

Unknown Lv. Max

Tenacity Lv. 1

Active skills:

Dash Lv. 1

From level 18, he had jumped up to reach 21 in one go. And that wasn't even the end. Besides the level up messages, something else also popped up as well.


'Store: Buy' function is now available with your level having reached 20.

'Oh, so I can finally spend those Gold things now, eh?'

That was a nice message, for sure. However, now wasn't the right time to relaxedly browse through the Store.

RUMBLE..... The cave began to shake just a little.

With the death of the dungeon's owner, the entrance of the dungeon will be destroyed in one hour. Remaining time: 59 minutes 58 seconds.

Indeed, he had to get out of this place before the Gate closed on him, after all. Browsing through the Store could be done once he was somewhere safe. But first, he must meet up with Belial. Just as Jin-Woo was about to climb down, he spotted something gleaming brightly in the middle of the spider's head.

'Is that an item?'

However, unlike the monsters from the instant dungeon, there was no message about recovered items, nor could he automatically claim them.

What could it be, then?

Jin-Woo pondered briefly before realising what it was.

'Ah, these things have magic crystals, don't they?'

No matter how busy he was, how could he forget something so valuable like that?

Jin-Woo extracted the magic crystal hidden deep inside the head of the dead spider. This was a C-rank magic crystal extracted from the boss monster, so it should at least go for around ten million Won, easy.

As the trophy for his glamorous victory, this would do very nicely.

Jin-Woo lightly jumped down from the dead spider's head. He landed lightly on the ground and turned around, and well, he discovered more gleaming lights, this time coming from the spider's belly.

Not only that, but several of them, even!

Jin-Woo was now feeling rather surprised.

He heard stories of some monsters possessing two, three magic crystals, but there were simply too many lights to say those could all be magic crystals.

'What could they be, then?'

He used the dagger to slice open the belly and continued on to its stomach, which resulted in half-digested remains of the insect-type monsters to pour out to the ground. And the lights were coming from those.

"No way....?!" Jin-Woo rummaged through the dead insects one at the time.

And just as he suspected, they all possessed their magic crystals. Sure, a few of them had melted down and become smaller than before, but quite a lot of them had survived and remained as good as new.

When he collected the intact ones, he counted over ten.

"I really hit the jackpot this time!" He came to earn this month's rent, but at this rate, he'd be earning way more than that.

"Jin." The voice of Belial caught Jin-Woo's attention.

The young man approached the blocked entrance, then touched the rocks. "You came early than I thought, but I already killed the spider so don't worry."

"I knew that you could do it, however, we must get out of here before something bad happens."

When Jin-Woo heard those words, he removed the rocks, meeting Belial on the other side. "Then let's get out of here quick."

Belial sensed that something bad was going to happen in a few minutes, maybe the grim reaper would appear once again. There was no way that man's words were just for show, he definitely had bad intentions. That's why, before the danger occurred, Belial and Jin-Woo will immediately leave the dungeon. 

Contract Of Souls I Sung Jin-WooWhere stories live. Discover now