Five minutes later we are at the Koala enclosure.

"Oh, they're adorable," Vaiva cooes, then looks at the worker who's holding one, "Can I touch him?"

The worker was friendly enough and let her touch the koala.

"Now I wanna see the horses! I heard they look like Unicorns that grandpa-." Darian jumps up and down in anticipation.

Viktor shushes him before Darian spills everything out in the public that is filled with Muggles. "And to the horses we go!" He says that with a forced smile on his face, the worker that held the Koala looks at him weirdly.

We quickly moved away and headed towards the outside area of the building where most of the bigger animals are placed.

Vaiva looks at the horses in awe, muttering under her breathe, "Oh! They do look like the Unicorns just without-"

I cough a bit then whisper, "Muggles." I look at a few muggles who were walking around and was heading close towards us.

Luckily this time both Darian and Vaiva got our warnings and shut up quickly about Unicorns.

We could easily explained to the Muggles about Unicorns that the kids found in the 'storybooks'. But it'd be weird considering their age and they should already know the difference between the two animals.

After spending sometime with the Horses, stopping at pretty much every animal in the enclosure, and being told about the many facts and did you know's, the twins even listened very well, that they participated in little games in the Zoo and got themselves some Muggle Candies as they prizes. We were able to hold some of the animals and feed them, the twins really enjoyed them. Viktor only enjoyed the one where we fed the snakes.

Finishing off with the animals, we take a walk through a pathway of the outside before heading to the gift shop.

"Alright, mum said you guys can only take one thing from the gift shop, okay?" Viktor looks at them with a stern look and held up 1 finger indicating it further. They both pretty much dragged us to the gift shop wanting to take a gift for themselves to remember this trip.

The twins nods and ran inside the gift shop, while we both stood just outside the shop door.

Viktor took a hold of my hand and squeezed it, stroking his thumb over my hand, "Thank you love for inviting us. They really liked you. And I'm pretty sure they'd prefer you over me now."

I chuckle lightly and shook my head, swingung our hands, "No worries. I wanted to get to know and bond with them. And plus when you told me the twins never went to a Zoo, I just had to bring them here."

"Well after this let's get some lunch. Then head back to yours?" Vik asks.

I nodded my head in agreement, then we heard the twins at the door shouting, "Viktor! We found them!"

We look at the door, there stood the twins with their favorite stuffed animals. Vaiva had a Koala. And Darian had a Horse.

"You guys wnat those?" I ask them as both me and Vik enter the gift shop. They both nodded with big smiles.

"Then let's go to the counter and oay for them. So you guys can take them hime!" I smile widely as they both rush to the counter.

Lunch at the Muggle World

"So what do you guys want?" Viktor asks as we all looked at the Menu.

We're currently having Lunch at Jollibee. The origin of the Fast Food Restaurant is at the Philippines.

"Can I have the 1pc chicken joy?" Vaiva asks as she looks at the chicken with hunger.

Darian nods, "And can I have the 2 pc chicken joy?" Darian stares at the chicken lovingly.

I look at the cashier and nodded, "We will get one 1 pc chicken joy, one 2 pc chicken joy, and jolly speghetti w/ 1 pc chicken joy." I look at Viktor who still looks at the menu.

"Then I'll get 2 pcs burger steak." Vik finally orders.

I continue, "4 Coke's and 4 Chocolate Sundae."

The cashier nods, "Alright will that be all?" At our nod, she continues, "I'll retell the orders for confirmation. One 1pc chicken joy, one 2pc chicken joy, one jolly spaghetti w/ 1pc chicken joy, and 2pcs burger steak. Then 4 drinks as Coke, and 4 Chocolate sundae's?" At our nod of confirmation. She checks everything out.

I already gave Viktor the muggle money when we got here. So I lead the twins to a corner table, that was beside a big window.

The twins had their stuffed animals clutched to their chests the entire time.

"There were so many options I wanted to try! But like I can't finish it all" Vaiva pouts in disappointment.

I chuckle lightly, "Well if you did order a lot and couldn't finish it. I'm pretty sure Viktor could finish it for you. He has a big appetite."

"Well I need to be fed properly so I could play well." Viktor seats down beside me.

"Fat," Darian mutters under his breathe teasingly. Which got him a playful 'hey' from his older brother.

Krum Twins meets the Weasleys

"Woah," the twins were in awe at the sight of the House the second we apparated here.

"This is a house?! This looks like a whole mansion!" Darian says bluntly.

I chuckle, "It may look like that. But its the feeling when you get inside is what you call it. I call my family home a home because it feels homey and warm for me." I then lead them to the front door just in time my Mum opens the door and ushers us all inside.

"Welcome to our home kids! Call me Molly. Come on, everyone is in the living room. The others just arrived from the Ministry! The trial was finished. They were about to tell us, then we got an alarm of your oresence on the property." We were all ushered to the living room that was filled with the whole family.

"Hey guys!" I smile at them all widely then gesture for the Krum siblings to step up beside me, "You guys already know Vik, but these little cuties are his siblings, Vaiva and Darian!" The twins let out shy 'hello's' with a wave which everyone cooed at and waved too. Everyone then introduced themselves too.

"Alright, go on! Tell us the news!" Dad looks at them with nervous smile.

Harry smiled widely, "Sirius is free! He's innocence is finally known. And he hold my custody now!"

Everyone cheered loudly and claps filled the room.

"A lot of moving process then. You guys will be living at 12 Grimmauld Place?" Bill asks curiously.

Sirius shook his head, "We'll be living at Potter Manor. 12 Grimmauld Place will be where the Meetings held, something I want my dear old mother to hate. I'm not sleeping there. Nu-uh. No sir." Everyone laughed at that but some looked confused at the word 'meetings'.

"A celebration is needed for this success" Me, Fred, and George says in unison as we exchanged a smile.

"A celebration is needed for this success" Me, Fred, and George says in unison as we exchanged a smile

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