"Just I'm trapped in the house with a killer break the glass!"she yells.

Chad shakes his head little"not until you take back what you said"he says.

Chanel huffs"fine! Just save me Chad!"she yells.

"And "he asked.

"And I'm yours for an amount of time you feel is appropriate "she sighs.

Chad smiles holding the baseball bat"stand back Fair maiden Chads about to be a hero"he says. Chanel steps back as he uses the baseball bat the completely break the window as they two smile as Chad climbs through through as they hug and kiss before pulling apart as he sticks his upper body out the glass Free window unfortunately the red devil decided to show up with two axes"whoa red devil get up here now! Go!go! Go! Climb"he yells to his brothers before one by one they climb up with haste as the red devil walks forward to his next victim.

Caulfield was the last but he did not have any arms so he used his legs and chin as the others encourage him to climb before Chad grabbed chanels phone "Chad no thats the only phone we have!"she cry's as Chad throws it missing the red devil who continues forward.

"Tonight is not the night caulfield mount herman dies"caulfield says before screams as he falls down as the red devil pushes the ladder down as he pulled it away from the wall as the others scream. Caulfield falls to the ground on his back as he was gasping.

"What do we do now"Earl asked in fear.

"The only thing we can't do- give healthy dignity of watching him die"Chad says as the red devil circles caulfield who looked up in fear as the red devil pulls out an axe as he twirls it fast as caulfield shakes his head with fear the red devil spins the axe again before bringing it down right in his gut as it oozes out blood before it was ripped out before bringing it down again as the others scream. The red devil then delivered the final blow before swinging side ways as they chop off caulfields head killing him as the red devil looks up at them before Leaving.

Danni, grace and zayday were walking down the man foyer"well that answers that someone in this house knows who the killer is"grace says.

"I hate you loud and clear it's Truth or Dare time"zayday says as grace stops making Danni and zayday turn towards her"what are we doing "she asked breathing hard.

"We're finding out who the son is bitch is"Danni says placing her hands on her hips.

Zayday nods her head "she's right whatever it takes to stop the killer"she says.

Grace shakes her head"no I mean what are we doing I mean do you ever just stop and ask yourself if we can actually pull this off maybe... Maybe we'll just need to get out of here with school the best way to avoid a shark attack is not to go in the water"she says breathing hard.

Danni shakes her head"no he ,she or they do not get to win"she says.

Zayday nods her head"she right and we all have a crisis of faith sometimes but no one is going to tell a sisterhood with zayday Williams as the president when they can and cant go swimming. So pull it together and let's go play this game of Truth or Dare cause ain't nothing stopping the hot tsunami of Truth rolling into this house tonight"zayday says before the three head off back to the sitting room.

They walk in with zayday taking the lead as everyone was sitting down "all right you guys it's time to play the game of Truth or Dare."she says.

"Just saying that would be the time to play spin the bottle we have some dickies here "chanel says sitting beside hester who was nodding her head.

"Some one here knows something about the murderer they're not telling us and I intend to find out what"grace says"okay here's how the game works when it's your turn you have a choice truth or dare if you choose truth you have to tell the truth and if you choose dare... I don't know maybe you're hiding something "she says before they take a seat.

scream queens जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें