Sleepy Wolf Pup

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Background info:
Chan is fourteen
Brian is an adult (I'm aware their age gaps aren't that big)
Chan accidentally calls him dad like twice
Based off this sound on TikTok:
Enjoy ^^


Being a trainee was exhausting. Being a trainee and going to school full time was even worse. Being the youngest trainee in your dorm by multiple years is even worse. Since Chan was so young, he had more rules to follow, most of which were enforced my his YoungK hyung.

YoungK had been the one to take care of him since day one. He filled the void in Chan that Chan's father had created. YoungK was everything Chan wanted to be and so much more. He was so cool. So strong and brave. And he takes care of Chan so well. If he hadn't approached Chan a year ago, Chan would probably still be standing shyly at the door, shaking and crying.

Since then, Brian has been the one to take care of him. He listened to his problems, helped him with his homework, took him out for fun days, taught him how to properly tie his shoes because Chan's own father didn't care enough to, and wiped his tears away when he got homesick. It was a scary world in South Korea, but with his hyung, he felt he could take on anything.

But anyways, Chan was absolutely exhausted. While he would never admit to being so tired, anyone with functioning eyes could tell that the young teenager was on the brink of passing out standing up. Brian had made sure to enforce his bedtime the second he got settled into the dorm, arguing with him about it until Brian stuck him in a corner (his first punishment) until he felt like cooperating.

The only time he was allowed to stay up was during game nights at the trainee dorm. It was like a mini party, or small family reunion, and they played games and ate foreign food, like Mexican and Italian. It was the only time he was allowed to skirt around his rules. Though he always fell asleep pretty early on, it absolutely did not mean he didn't get in his hours of fun.

And it wasn't like everyone else was oblivious to his 'special rules', he was the Maknae after all. No, everyone at JYP knew about his rules. Hell, they had it hung up on the fridge! One side read 'Dorm Rules', and the other read 'Channies Rules'. While it was embarrassing to be treated like a child (which he is not! He is a very grown fourteen year old man, thank you very much.), he did appreciate all the people taking care of him.

  Currently, he's cursing all of the people there to take care of him, because that meant that he's being watched like a hawk as he does his math homework at the dining room table, not at all trusted to stay there and finish his work. He tried to argue that being babysat wasn't helping him at all, but Brian quickly countered that lying about finishing his homework and bringing his grades down wasn't helping him either.


  YoungK chuckled from across the table, amused by the sulking fourteen year old boy in front of him. Honestly, the boy was a bit bratty, but he was also very pouty, which made him very cute, which also meant he didn't come off as a threat to anyone. He was the definition of a puppy. A very bratty, very impatient puppy.

  "Pouting isn't going to help you, kiddo. We're not leaving this table until you're finished with your work." Brian gestured pointedly to Chan's half done piece of paper. Chan huffed and went on a tirade on how it was too hard. Chan was a very smart kid, he knows how to do the work. He just doesn't want to. When he helpfully pointed that out to his kid, hoping it'd open his eyes and get him to get his work done, he got a pencil to the forehead.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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