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"Dude, those waves aren't surfable." Pope says as the rain pours down. All three of us in our swim suits

"Wanna bet?" I look at him before making my way out to the water

"Says who?" John B shouts as he follows me, we both paddle out and catch a wave. John B fell immediately but I stayed on for a few seconds. I went down laughing. "Whooo!" I yelled when I came back up from under the water.

John B was sitting on his board staring out "What is it?" I asked

"Look." he points at a Grady White out a far ways from us

"Holy shit. Who's that crazy bastard?" I asked, figured he'd know since he cleans the boats. He shrugs. The wind quickly picks up and the waves get rougher "We gotta go." I said as I got on my board and started paddling to shore, he followed.


I groaned as I sat up, I absolutely hate mornings. It was hot, I was sweating bullets. My hair was stuck to my face as I sat up. It's insane that I'm only in shorts and a bra and I'm still sweating this bad. I looked at John B as he tried using his phone "No service." he states as he looks at me.

I get up and flip the light switch "No power." I sigh

"Great." he says as she stands up and walks past JJ on the couch "Yo, JJ, you been outside?" he asks

"I have polio, bro. I can't walk." he says groggily as he lays on his stomach on the couch. I scoffed as I followed John B outside

Me and John B shared a few curses as we looked at a tree that was completely uprooted. I followed him over to the boat so we could get the branches out of the HMS Pogue

"Agatha did some work, huh?" JJ called as he walked down the porch stairs

"Yeah, she did." John B says as he climbs into the boat with me

"What happened to Polio?" I called to JJ

"Its a miracle." he says sarcastically before chugging a beer and burping

"Nice one." I laughed as I threw branches out of the boat. I listened as thunder rumbled in the distance

"What you thinkin'?" JJ asks John B as he helps me with the branches

"I'm thinking the storm surge pushed all the crabs on the marsh maze." he says as he looks at JJ "All those drum are gonna chase the crab."

"What about DCS? Wasn't that today?" JJ asks

"You think they're getting on a ferry?" I scoff

"Come on think about it." JB says "It's God tellin us to fish." he points with a branch in his hand

"I think I'd listen to God's word." I nodded sarcastically, none of us are actually that religious.

"Well damn, when you put it that way." JJ says sarcastically


I watched as we slowly came up on Pope's dock.

"Hey, Loser!" I shouted as I waved to Pope who's cleaning something

"Well look who we have here." JJ said as he stood next to me on the edge of the boat

"We have a safety meeting. Attendance mandatory." JB calls out

"My pops got me on lock down." Pope sighs

"Come on, man." JJ says before he mimics static "Hey, Y/N, what do you think of Pope's dad? Over." he asks before mimicking static again

I mimicked the static "Oh you know..."

"Your dad's a pussy. Over." we said at the same time before mimicking static again

Ocean Eyes // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now