Chapter two

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Hercules was surprised when Fairy Godmother called him this morning.

It has been a two days since his cousin Mal and his future cousin in law King Ben engagement party, was he shock to learn that at the said engagement party...

Well if he was honest no, but if anyone asked Meg she would immediately say yes because she had her suspicions between her former boss and the young purple haired girl.

"They here."said Meg in the other room, the reason why Fairy Godmother called this morning to tell them that she noticed a young girl has flecks of gold in her eyes.

After doing some research on them and find out that only the descendants of the gods have them and since she doesn't know about them she decided to take the young vk to someone that is a descendant of the gods.

He sees his wife and five kids in the front of their house standing a few feet away from Fairy Godmother car.

And the only reason he knows it's her car is because her car has blue with pink on it and a little glass brow in the front of her car.

Fairy Godmother set out, close the door behind her and she goes to the family and stops in front of them.

"I would just like to say this to you but thank you for doing this I just don't know what else to do."said Fairy Godmother.

"It's no problem Fairy Godmother."said Hercules with his usual kind smile.

"This another thing and this something I tell to all the people that is fostering the vks."said Fairy Godmother. "And that is, is that when their ready to talk about what their been through their will, and if their not don't force them and give them all the time they need."

"We will."

Then Fairy Godmother gave them a kind smile, then she went to the back door and open it and said gently "Come on sweetie they is nothing to be afraid of."

Then suddenly a hesitating hand take Fairy Godmother's hand, a little girl with blonde hair and wearing rags. She looking down and she was holding a stuff animal which also looked like it has seen better days.

"Go on sweetie introduce yourself."said Fairy Godmother gently.

"My name is Dragon."said the young girl in a quiet voice still looking down.

Hercules went to the young girl and got down to meet her at eye level and Fairy Godmother is right she does have flecks of gold in her eyes. Her eyes that looks like exactly like his which he inherited from his father Zeus.

But now is not the time for suspicious'.

He gives the girl a kind smile and said in his usual voice. "Hey Dragon, I'm Hercules and this is my wife Meg, and our kids Hyllus, Macaria, Herkie, Megan and Hermera."

Hercules really needed to get in touch with his half brother who has the same name as him but his name is spelled H-E-R-A-K-L-E-S.

While his name is spelled H-E-R-C-U-L-E-S, as well as his mother hated his half brother.

So as soon as Fairy Godmother left, Hercules turn to his children and said "How about you guys show Dragon around, just don't show her Uncle Hades' Spot."

Sport is Hades Cerberus.What?He wasn't going to let anything happen to Spot... or his mate, his Aunt Persephone Cerberus Blossom.

"Yes dad."said all of his kids, as soon as his kids left with Dragon he turn to Meg.

"Hercules...Dragon...she..."said Meg, and Hercules knew what she was going to say, to avoid his mother overhearing.

"I know, I know."said Hercules in a whisper. "I'm going to talk to Herakles right now."

"What can he do? And how are we going to protect Dragon from your mother?"ask Meg.

"Well Megara, he is married to her daughter Hebe."

With that Hercules got into his car and drove to Herakles and Hebe house.

They live far away from Olympus, just a far yards away from the school the middle school of Auradon Prep.

As soon as he got there, he saw his half brother, lifting something heavy. His two sons Alexiares and Anicetus are helping him.

Herakles didn't notice Hercules until his son Alexiares point him out.

"Hello brother."said Herakles with a smile on his face.

The two half brothers hug, and later when Hercules told about Dragon.

Herakles looks at him and says. "Do you think that she's dads?"

"I mean who else has blue eyes like dads and with gold flecks in them?" said Hercules. "What should I do? How do I protect a young innocent girl from the wrath of my mother?"

"Will base of my experience of being a bastard of Zeus, try to keep your distant from Hera."said Herakles.

"But how do I protect Dragon from my mother?"ask Hercules.

"We are the probably the only two children of Zeus that has the strength of ten men."said Herakles.

Then then walk to where Hebe was, she is taking care of a young kid who got hurt.

"Besides if your really concern for Dragon, you have me and Hebe to help you protect her. And luckily for you I fell in love with the the goddess of youth and Hera's daughter."

Hercules look at the goddess of youth, even if he isn't a bastard of any of his parents he knew that both of the siblings in front of him are both bastards of each of there parents.

So here he is, back at his house listening to Dragon tell the goddess of youth aka his half sister; tell her a backstory and just like all the vks it's a sad one.

She got abandon by her parents as a baby, but she was find by Sarah Sanderson who along with her sisters tried to kill her.

Causing her to ran away from there at three, then her to be find by the Matchmaker who then tried to take but was stop by Mal.

She lived on the streets until Carlos build his safe house.

"Can I ask you a question Dragon?"ask Hebe gently and sweetly. Dragon just nodded her head. "Where did you get the doll?"

"I-I don't know,it-just-I woke up one day and find it next to me."said Dragon quietly. While holding the doll.

"Can I see it please?"ask Hebe, Dragon quickly hands the doll of to her. Part of her power is to restore youth, but right now she'll use it to restore youth in a doll.

But when she restore of a objects she can see what happen and how the got their.

And that is exactly what happen when she touched the doll.

She saw her step father and.... Maleficent. Will let's just say that life happen. Maleficent gave birth to Dragon, but unfortunately Maleficent was evil at the time and one kid was enough for her and her stepfather didn't want to make Hera angry so he left her on the streets.

Then she saw who gave her the doll and it was Hades and he smiled when he watched her with the next day.

The past Hades wasn't the only who was smiling, Hebe was also smiling at her step uncle kind action.

As she restore the youth in the doll, Dragon look on in amusement. She said softly"Wow."

"This was giving to you by your uncle."said Hebe softly. She give the doll back to Dragon, and went to her husband and half brother.

"What do you mean it was give to her by her uncle?"ask Herakles in a whisper.

"Hades, he was the one to give it do her."said Hebe.

"Do—do you mean that she is our ... sister."said Hercules.

"And Maleficent is her mother."said Hebe.

"So what do we do?"ask Meg, standing next to her husband.

"While the first thing going to talk to Mal."said Hebe, then she, Herakles, Hercules, Meg,Dragon,and their kids went to talk to Mal.

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