The Awakening

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The sound of muffled screaming awoke you. You sat up in bed and rubbed your eyes, then looked over at your alarm clock sitting atop of your dresser. The glow of the electrical clock lit up the room. It must be late. You thought as you walked over to the clock to see the time. You pushed the bed sheets aside and slid out of bed quietly, making sure no sound was made. The clock reads 3:29 a.m. You sighed. They were fighting again... 

Slowly, you walked over to your bedroom door and rested your hand on the knob. It was cold, just like the rest of the house. You took a deep breath and twisted the knob slowly, creaking the door open a little. The sounds of yelling grew a bit louder the more you opened up the door. You stepped out of the room and slowly closed the door behind you. 

Stepping out into the hallway, you quickly located where your parents were fighting. By the sounds of it, they were in the lounge area near the staircase. You took a few steps down the stairs and sat down, moving closer to the rails to be able to see your parents. You peered over the railings to try and get a good look at the situation.

Both your mom and your dad were standing up. Your dad was visibly agitated, while your mother seemed distraught. You could almost swear there were tears running down her face, but it was too far away to know for sure. The thought of your mom crying scared you a little. You've never seen her cry, especially not during an argument. You hugged the railings, your grip growing tighter as you listened in on the argument. 


It was hard to focus on all the fighting when you saw them like this.

It was scary.

(310 words 🤔)

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