And Queen Kunti, the first wife of King Pandu. The blood mother of the first three Pandu Putra and the one who was made into a mother for the youngest two. The one who couldn't stop the death of her own eldest son. The one who watched him be killed by her own sons. Never stopping them shedding tears all along.

Here they were all gathered the ones from whom history would question after all didn't history always question those who could never answer?

The pseudo battle fought between (did he even deserve? Given who would drive the end blow in his own brothers heart?) was not something Arjun recalled. Why recall it anyway when the last battle to be fought between them was ingrained into him. So he did not remember.

Or what happened after.

He remembered being in his chambers quietly when something a ringing sound registered in his ears. 

Someone was shouting no....they were screaming, Arjun wish he knew who was whosoever was as they sounded as if they were in need of a hug.

Then, his own open mouth registrated as Arjun realized it was him himself who was screaming.

 He had not noticed.

He screamed and lashed but shed not a tear, who would he even cry too? Heavens? Which God would answer his prayer when the only one who would even listen to them was not in heaven.

He could remember all that would happen was happening and would happen. Yet, he could never do anything sometimes he wondered what atrocity had he committed to be cursed so. But then, was his very existence not a curse? He could only wait and watch. 

He for the first time in his eternal life missed his childhood. It was so easy then Krishn's easy embrace and his own optimistism towards everything and everyone. 

He fell onto his sheets hoping for this one reprieve. Just this one. And lo behold his wish was granted not in the way he had hoped though. 

Thus, he fell asleep as Arjun and dreamed as Phalgun.  

~~before the formation of earth, the first beings in this universe, the Celestials ~~

"Who are you?"

That was all that was ringing  in Phalgun's ears. His eyes were closed and his frail young nine year old self was leaning against the door of his chambers. 

Listening to the noise on the other side of the door, Phalgun decided that he did not want to face concerned servants no matter how much they were worried.

Swiftly and discreetly he made his way towards the window and carefully climbed down with the assistance of the pipe like structures that adorned the outer walls of his mansion. 

Finally reaching the ground, Phalgun ran towads the further ends of the greenery that enclosed the mansion he inhabited. 

So farther he ran that the view of the mansion disappeared, but worry of how to find his way back was the last thing on his mind. He knew these forests better than he knew his own self.  

Upon finding himself in an isolated spot the young lord of Time gave up. Let himself fall on his knees and broke down in sobs.

For what he cried for no one could say, his lost childhood,  his poor mother or the loss of his own innocence. 

He cried for some time, then slowly his tears lessened and he gradually stopped wailing looking at the sky with a sense of melancholy.

"Do you need a listener? My tutor says people only cry when their own voice is incapable of being heard or is ignored."

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