Visitor Center

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Alan: (Y/N)! No, (Y/N)!

Lex and Tim begin to sniffle. But then (Y/N) started coughing. He's alive.

Alan: Good boy.

(Y/N): [weakly] Come.

(Y/N) then put his hand back down as it started to hurt even more then before.

(Y/N): How the fuck I'm I still alive.

Alan and the others make it to the visitors center as Alan push opens the doors.

Alan: Hello?

Alan help (Y/N) walk as they made their way to a table.

Alan: Okay. I'm gonna have to find the others and get you to a doctor.

(Y/N): Doctor? Alan there no doctors on this Island. Just hand me the first aid kit on the wall.

(Y/N) said with his head down and pointed at the first aid kit. Alan and the other looked over as they saw the first aid kit. Alan left as he grabbed it and headed back.

Alan: How did you know that was there?

(Y/N): I was organizing going to take over this place after my grandfather died, but now... I'm not so sure an more.

Alan handed the first aid kit to (Y/N).

Alan: Lex, you look after Tim and your older brother.

Lex: Yeah.

Alan then looks over at (Y/N) as he was sitting in one of the chairs.

Alan: Your hair is all sticking up. I'll be back soon. I promise. Help Lex if she needs it.

(Y/N): Okay, stay safe.

With that Alan life. Once gone Tim and Lex saw their was a lot of food out as they got some and started eating. While the two were eating (Y/N) got up from his seat as he slowly walked way with the first aid kit.

Lex: Where you going?

(Y/N): Bathroom. I'm going to get myself cleaned up. I be back, just don't run off.

With that (Y/N) life as he made his way to the man's bathroom. Outside Alan was walk around as he was looking for Ellie.

Alan: Ellie?

Alan then turns around as he sees Ellie.

Ellie: Run.

Alan then ran towards Ellie as Ellie ran towards him. They both met up as Alan gets Ellie a big hug.

Visitor Center

With Tim and Lex, they were eating  all the food that was left out. While Lex was about to eat some green jello, she stoped. Lex was shaking, Tim say this was as he looked behind him as he saw what she was shaking at. Behind them they saw a shadow of a Raptor making it way towards them. They both quickly got up and ran to the kitchen to hide.


Grant: It's just the two Raptors, right? You sure the third one's contained?

Ellie: Yes, unless they figure out how to open doors.

Visitor Center Bathroom

(Y/N) just got done cleaning up and patching up any injuries he may have got with out knowing with the best of his knowledge. While he was getting done he heard a swing noise outside the room. (Y/N) looked at the door as he saw it started to open.

(Y/N): Ugh. Tim knock it o-

(Y/N) opens the door was he saw a Raptor standing right in front of him. The Raptor roared at him as (Y/N) tried quickly to shut the door, but the Raptor put it clews in front of the door so it wouldn't shut.

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