Stroke Ten

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The blogs were unforgiving. Especially the ones that propped Scottie up to be a hot bachelor to thirst over. Any woman on his arm suffered the same fate. People digging for information or assuming things about your personal life. Kia was the next victim and people were already interested in who she was. The issue with dating an athlete like Scottie Kane was his intense need to be seen. He wasn't only in the press because of his talent, his busy lifestyle off the field was far more interesting.

Anyone that knew Spencer was sending him the story and pictures. People just curious about what broke him and Kia up and others who wanted to rile him up.

"Kia's a grown woman, baby. You can't control who she sees, especially when you two aren't together," Grace said softly after listening to Spencer rant about the recent dilemma. "I know it's hard to move on from someone you once saw yourself spending forever with but I promise you...things will work out."

"It's not about me not being able to move on. It's who Kia is dealing with that's the issue. The dude is trash," Spencer complained, frustrated that his mother was choosing to be the peaceful one about this. He wanted validation, not reasoning.

"Okay? And she will find that out for herself. Do you think you telling her that will change anything," Grace countered.

Spencer ran a hand down his face. Grace James was a peacekeeper unless someone messed with her children. She always had to see the bright side of things or ways to keep drama away. "Ma, that dude may end up around Benni. I don't need my daughter wrapped up in a media circus. Scottie is all about the attention. Good or bad. He doesn't care."

"I get it, trust me. But you going to Kia with that type of attitude is only going to make things worse," the mother added with a shrug. "As a woman, I don't think I'd like to be told who I can and cannot date. Express your concerns when it comes to Ben and that's all you can do."

Spencer didn't listen to his mother's advice. He let his temper get in the way of his communication.

"Every athlete isn't the same, Spencer. You should know that. Everyone has a past, hell look at us," Kia voiced, grabbing a plate from the cabinet to begin prepping Benni's lunch.

The two adults argued in hushed tones so their daughter wouldn't hear their disagreement. Kia felt like Spencer was trying to control her dating life and Spencer felt like Kia was not listening. Neither was actually trying to hear what the other was saying, which eventually resulted in Spencer having to bite his tongue, "The only thing we need to discuss is that sweet, little girl. My dating life is off limits. I don't care if you approve of who I date or not."

"It's not about me trying to control you Kia," he urged, his fingers tightening on his water bottle. "You just told me this guy could possibly meet our daughter one day. What do I look like as her father letting someone like him around?"

Kia pushed past Spencer, her long braids slapping him in the arm as she stormed by, "You have a bad habit of thinking you're Benni's only parent. Like I can't provide for her or set a good enough example. I'm her mother, Spencer. Don't you think I'd know who the hell I'm bringing around her? What's this really about? How do you even know these rumors about Scottie are even true?"

In a softer tone, Spencer replied, "I never said you can't provide for her. I'm sorry if that's how I came across. I'm just looking out for her and you. I know someone that was hurt by him, Kia. He's not the type of guy you'd want to get into a serious relationship with."

He hadn't changed. Spencer's heart and caring spirit were always the common denominator. Those that he loved never had to worry about him faltering. And sometimes his protectiveness got him into trouble. Everyone didn't want his protection all the time. Or even need it.

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