The Secret Society

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"Yes, not just any flying horse, it's Pegasus!" said Bluebell, as the flying horse hovered close to her window.

"Who is Pegasus?" asked Sophie, looking at the horse, still unable to quite convince herself that what she was seeing was real

"Pegasus is a magical horse, one of the few horses with the ability to fly," explained Bluebell, as he stepped closer to the window. "Come on, step out of the window and climb onto the back of the horse. Don't worry Pegasus won't let you fall."

So Sophie stepped out of the window and carefully sat on the broad back of Pegasus. Pegasus whinnied and beat his wings and flew higher and higher into the sky.

The wind whipped Sophie's hair. Pegasus flew higher and higher. Sophie looked down and saw houses below like doll houses. Soon they were flying over tree tops and Pegasus started descending, beating his wings and landed in the shadows of some trees.

Sophie saw a house in the middle of the shadows of the trees with lit windows. She instantly recognised the house to be Mr Mervin's house.

There was a whirring of wings and an owl came and landed by Pegasus. There was a flash and Bluebell was standing next to Sophie.

"Come on, Mr Mervin must be waiting for you," said Bluebell, leading the way towards the house. Sophie got off Pegasus and followed Bluebell.

Bluebell knocked on the front door and Mr Mervin opened the door. He was dressed in a dark purple robe studded with silver sequin stars. He was wearing a tall dark hat.

"Come on, you came on Pegasus?" asked Mr Mervin, stepping out of the door and looking around him.

"Yes," said Sophie, looking back to where Peagsus stood.

"Then we can fly on him," said Mr Mervin and walked towards Pegasus. Pegasus whinnied when he saw Mr Mervin.

Mr Mervin rummaged in his pockets and took a small white cube out.

"What is that?" asked Sophie as Mr Mervin gave it to Pegaus and Pegasus sniffed at it and swallowed it immediately.

"Why just a sugar lump, horses love sugar lumps," said Mr Mervin smiling.

"That's nice," said Sophie as Mr Mervin stroked Pegasus.

"We better set off," said Mr Mervin looking up at the sky.

"Yes, we should start off immediately. There is quite a distance to cover," said Bluebell, looking at Pegasus.

"Come on, let's set off," said Mervin and Pegasus lowered himself so that Mr Mervin and Sophie could climb on to his back. They climbed on to him and Pegasus beat his large snowy white wings and shot into the sky.

They flew higher and higher. Sophie looked around and saw an owl flying right ahead of them. "That must be Bluebell," said Sophie, looking ahead.

They flew on and on passing clouds and bats as they flew on. They flew over a sparkling stream that shimmered in the moonlight.

"How far do we have to go?" asked Sophie, looking below.

"We are almost there," said Mr Mervin as Pegasus began to fly lower and lower and almost brushed against tree tops.

Sophie got off Pegasus as soon as he had landed. Mr Mervin got off too. They had landed by a bookshop. Sophie read out the name of the Shop, "Ben's Books."

The windows of the shop were barred and it looked as if it had been shut down for quite a long time.

Mr Mervin took out a key from his pocket and put it inside the keyhole and turned it. The door unlocked with a click. Then he pushed open the door and walked inside and rummaged in his pocket and took out a torch. He flashed it around and the beam of light fell on a bookshelf filled with books covered in thick layers of dust. There were cobwebs hanging from the roof.

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