Red, "Jumping on a Legendary Pokemon like that. What if someone dangerous as Team Rocket had gone after Lugia with you on it?"

Green, "They would have killed you to get to Lugia."

Both Ash and Gou had their heads down as the two scolded them for being so careless with their life. After a few minutes of scolding Red pulled both boys into a tight hug and made them promise to not jump on another Legendary like that. Gou's face was flushed pink because of the hug but agreed to the promise with Ash mumbling the promise as well. Green huffed as well patting their backs laughing when Ash pouted at him from the hug.

After that Professor Sakuragi offered the position of becoming an on field research assistant. The positions of OFRA was open and it would keep the boys out of trouble as well. After thinking about it the adults agreed though they left the decision to the two boys. Ash was interested and Gou wanted to learn about Pokemon and catch one of each line. Plus, being an OFRA would mean they would always be in contact with others who could keep them safe.

Gary laughed when he heard, "I guess we are work mates now."

Ash grinned sheepishly, "I guess so."

Just like that Ash and Gou went on many adventures around many regions meeting Ash's old friends. Red had called the Champions ahead informing them of the latest news which revolved around Ash. They were all surprised in the beginning but accepted it, at least they could keep an eye on him. They were thankful for the help Ash gave during the world ending events and did not want him to get hurt again.

Gou was feeling many emotions as he got to know his work partner better. He knew many famous people and Champions who personally appeared to make sure he was okay. It had awed him in the beginning but then trouble occurred and he was terrified for his friend's life. At one point, Gou even cornered him asking him if he was suicidal by any chance. Ash had spluttered and denied it saying he was not though Chloe looked skeptical just like him.

Ash, "I promise you, I am not suicidal."

Mewtwo deadpanned, -Your actions tell us a different story.-

Gou almost shook Ash, "What he said!"

Ash whined at them saying they were worried for no reason at all. Gou point blank told him, jumping into a rapid river was a cause of worry. No matter what reason it was, they had grass and water type Pokemon for a reason. They were there to help them and Ash sulked saying he had not thought about it. Both Mewtwo and Gou sighed before Mewtwo asked for Gou's contact number.

Gou, "Um, if it is not too presumptuous. May I ask, how do you know Ash?"

Mewtwo watched Ash run off to play with the Pokemon, -My little trouble making kit here healed me when I was hurt.-

Gou, "Oh, thank Mew. I was worried he had thrown himself into danger."

Mewtwo drawled, -He did. He threw himself between Team Rocket and me.-

Gou's eyes twitched, "That's it."

Ash looked up, "Um Gou?"

Gou, "I am applying to become your permanent training and travel partner after this OFRA is over."

Mewtwo nodded in approval, -I like you, child.-

Gou flushed, "Oh, um, thank you."

They spent the day with Mewtwo before returning back to the lab. One of their missions even brought them back to Pallet town where Gary was becoming known as the new Professor Oak of Pallet. Gou was nervous but after Gary teased him one too many time Gou snarked back only to turn pink in mortification. Gary only laughed saying being snarky was more useful if he wanted to keep Ash safe from people like Team Rocket. Gou was confused, they dealt with Team Rocket before but they were not that dangerous.

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