Chapter Twenty-One

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Soft pawsteps sounded on the cool floor of the warriors den. Mapleshade looked up drowsily to see Snowspeck.

"It's sun-high," He meowed, "Honeysplash told me to tell you to lead a hunting patrol."

Mapleshade rose heavily to her paws, the death of Brackenpelt haunting her mind. As much as she had wanted to become the next Thunderclan deputy, she felt like the senior warrior's death was partly her fault. But that wasn't the only problem that was on Mapleshade's worried thoughts. She winced as she felt a wriggling in her belly. Mapleshade quickly glanced at Snowspeck, who was gazing at her with a confused expression. She swallowed nervously, hoping the older warrior didn't know about the small lives inside of her.

It's not obvious, Mapleshade meowed to herself silently, yet.

"Are you coming?" Snowspeck questioned, lashing his tail. The white tom obviously was eager to go out in the newleaf forest.

"Yes," Mapleshade grumbled, padding after Snowspeck out of the warrior den.

The sun shone dimly in the cloudy sky, casting a shadow over the Thunderclan camp. Honeysplash, the new deputy, stood on the Highrock handing out orders to a group of warriors.

Realizing that she had yet to lead a hunting patrol, Mapleshade hurried to the Highrock where Dovepaw, Echoflight, and Mudspots were milling about.

"I was told to lead a hunting patrol," Mapleshade mewed, halting beside her mother. Echoflight purred affectionately as she licked her daughter's cheek. Mapleshade flicked her ears in return as she continued, "Perhaps Snowspeck could come with us as well?"

Mudspots shrugged,"Whatever you think is best- you are the leader of this patrol,"

Mapleshade dipped her head to the older warrior then called out to Snowspeck, who was sharing tongues with his mate, Honeysplash, "Snowspeck! Want to come with us?"

The tom jumped to his paws. "Sure thing," he replied enthusiastically, making his way towards the group.

The soft breeze of new-leaf blew through the air, ruffling Mapleshade's tortoishell pelt. Though the day seemed peaceful, her mind was far from that.

"Are we going or not?" Dovepaw meowed impatiently, shaking Mapleshade from her thoughts. The young grey she-cat's eyes shone with anticipation.

Mapleshade gave a swift nod before leading the way through the entrance. Although the sky was cloudy, the forest was alive with the sounds of new leaf; the birds chirping high in the towering trees, the slight rustle of prey in undergrowth, and the leaves swaying in the breeze. Forgetting her worries, Mapleshade concentrated on the task ahead. Hunting.

"I caught a scent of mouse!" Dovepaw declared loudly. Small pawsteps scurried through the undergrowth and disappeared.

"Well done!" Echoflight mewed sarcastically,"Now all of the prey around here knows where we are,"

Mapleshade let out a growl of frustration. Dovepaw ducked her head in embarrassment. "S-Sorry." She mumbled.

Snowspeck rested his tail on the apprentice's flank,"Everyone makes mistakes," he suggested, turning towards Mapleshade, "We should try going somewhere else."

Mapleshade dipped her head in agreement. "Fine. We can go near Sunningrocks."

Luckily, Thunderclan had regained Sunningrocks peacefully in the past moon. With an outbreak of greencough in Riverclan, Rainstar had agreed to give back the prey-filled rocks in exchange for some bundles of catmint, which grew abundantly in Thunderclan territory.

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