Phoebe continues. 'And ...'

'No strings attached.' They say together.

Phoebe smirks. 'Stella, we are getting our grove back. (They high five but miss.) Okay, so, speaking of which, where is Piper?'

Prue sighs. 'I think Piper's gonna be in a grove free kinda mood for a while.'

'She's not seriously ...' Phoebe trails off.

'Yeah, afraid so. She's scared to fall in love again.' Prim frowns.

Phoebe nods. 'So, while we're partying all weekend, what is she gonna be doing? Besides watching Patience?'

Prue shakes her head. 'I don't know. The last time I checked she was in the attic looking for a suitcase she put her books in.'

'Books, what kind of books?' Phoebe asks.

Prue furrows her brow.
'Kind they make into Kevin Costner movies.'

'Oh, we've got to stop the insanity.' Phoebe states.

Prue shakes her head. 'Maybe we should let her be, I mean we're not the ones who fell in love with a warlock, a ghost, a geographically undesirable handyman, and a very dorky grad student.'

'Well, Mark and Josh weren't bad. They were really nice, but they were no Leo. Who I still have high hopes for by the way.' Prim smiles.

Phoebe sighs. 'Maybe she's in a slump. (Prue looks at her.) Alright, it happens to Piper a lot, but celibacy is not the answer.'

Prue shakes her head. 'A couple of dates not picking up the check, that's a slump, this is more of a sucking void.'

They here a thump and a little scream coming from the attic. 'Prue! Prim, Phoebe!'

They go up into the attic and see Leo lying on the floor in pain with the arrow stuck in his shoulder.

Prim gasps. 'Leo?'

Prue is getting bandages and stuff out of the bathroom. Phoebe and Piper are carrying Leo to a chair. Prim is trying to get her healing powers to work. 'Come on, come on. Damnit! Why won't it work.'

Piper glares at Phoebe. 'Be careful.'

'I am being careful.' Phoebe grumbles.

'I can't believe you two knew that our handyman, the man I was dating was supernatural and it just happened to slip your minds?' Piper huffs.

Phoebe shakes her head. 'There was no slipping, okay, I told you but you didn't want to believe me.'

'Besides Piper it wasn't our secret to tell. Just like you didn't tell Leo about us and our powers. Although it wasn't necessary.' Prim frowns trying to force her powers to work.

Leo is in pain. 'Prim, it's  not gonna work. Your not ready. You will get them, just not at this moment. And Piper, I did want to.'

'But you didn't.' Piper looks away.

Phoebe steps in. 'Okay, we gotta, we gotta get your legs up.'

'Don't worry about me. There's someone, ahh ...!' Leo screams.

Prim goes to grab the arrow. 'We have to get the arrow out. Then I can assess the wound.'

'No, don't touch it, it's tipped with poison.' Leo stops her.

Phoebe sighs. 'How are we suppose to get it out if we can't touch it?'

Prue enters the attic. 'You came to the right girl. You ready? (Prue uses her powers to push the arrow out.) Okay, I brought everything that I could find, I just didn't know what to use on a ... what is he again?'

Charmed: The Mighty Belthazar Finally SavedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant