"Then I'm sure you know that the Winter Soldier is our leading man?" Stoica used a play on words. Astrid simply shook her head. She didn't. Her mind however, was quickly directed towards the name stated, rather the actual topic at hand.

"In Hydra's early days, resources were scarce. The Winter Soldier was our solitary weapon of consequence," Stoica elaborated. "He became the face of our mission."

"A mission that has been running for quite some time. A mission, that is now on the cusp of fruition."

Astrid felt agitated. Agitated and tired. "What's your point in all of this?"

A smug smirk started to spread across his face. "My point, is that the launch won't be easy. ― We'll need a second operative."

"What, did Barnes lose his metal arm that he can't do it alone?" Astrid laced her curiosity with dry sarcasm. Stoica scoffed.

"Steven Rogers. Captain America."

"What about him?"

"He's caught on." Stoica took a sip of the glass of water next to him. Before Astrid could ask another question, Stoica answered it for her. "He's stumbled upon Zola's Algorithm. Meaning he now knows about HYDRA."

Well shit.

"He's on our trail. And while we attempt to evade him, and fail to attempt, the Winter Soldier remains a concern." Astrid had used the wall behind her as a resting post. "Why?"

"Because, well, Barnes and Steve Rogers once knew each other. If Rogers somehow manages to realize the man he's fighting is the man he knew back then, he will stop at nothing to get him back. And who knows how long it will be until Barnes cracks." Stoica's words carried an air of authenticity, an acknowledgment of the complexity that defined their circumstances.

"So, what? You want me to be a babysitter, make sure he doesn't slip away?" Astrid almost audibly scoffed at the thought.

"We need you to ensure the mission's success. You won't even need to interact with Rogers. Just see it through to completion. We're way too close to lose it now." Stoica stood before her, his gaze a penetrating force. Eyes digging into her like shovels.

"So a backup?" Astrid reflected the task laid before her.

"A backup." Stoica confirmed.

"Well where's he now? The Winter Soldier." The dark haired girl broke gaze.

"Washington DC. Pierce's orders." Stoica added, "You'll be flown out tomorrow."

And with that, Astrid turned to walk out. With her body half through the door. She stopped. Eyes screwed shut as she hesitantly opened her mouth.

"What about the other Avatars?" It was a stupid question, she knew that. Astrid didn't bother looking back.

"They'll be where they always have been and where they always will be, here." Stoica answered bluntly, as if he somehow knew the answer would penalize her dreams.

Astrid didn't find it in her to follow up. She continued her step.

And then she was gone.

17 hours later.

Between the imposing figures of two Hydra soldiers, Astrid Sørensen found herself in an uncomfortable position. The jet that had carried them to Washington had landed about 2 hours ago, Astrid was now currently being transported to a Hydra classified location.

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