Yasmine's eyes widened. "What- He's he's gonna tear himself in half?"

"You sure about this, Scott?" Cap asked him. "You have some weird friends, Cap." Yasmine said.All of a sudden, Scott became huge, like super huge. "Hold s—" Bucky and Cap both stared at her.

"Okay, fine." She put her hands up in defense

She rolled her eyes. "I guess that's the signal." Cap said as they moved from their positions.

"Way to go, Tic Tac!" Sam cheered. The three of them started booking it for the quinjet.

Yasmine heard Scott from behind them. "You wanna get to them? You gotta go through me."

He said the cat man was trying to get to Bucky probably. They had almost made it to the entrance off where the jet was, but...

"Something just flew in me!" Scott yelled.

Vision had gotten too close to them, using his laser beam or whatever it was to make something fall in front of the entrance. Before it hit the ground, though, the woman who Yasmine had called pretty earlier used her powers to stop it from reaching the ground.

Sam was right,everybody's got a gimmick.

now she smiled as she looked back.

Just before they could make it in, it started falling again. The three of them barely made it through. When they made it in, someone else was already there.

"You're not gonna stop." The redhead woman that Yasmine saw earlier today said.

"You know I can't." Said Steve.

"I'm gonna regret this." She pulled the trigger...

Wait what?-

They thought that she was going to shoot one of them, but it was the cat man who had snuck in behind the group. "Go," Cap nodded as they ran into the quinjet.

The whole ride was pretty quiet, which would be kind of expected since they were just fighting a bunch of people.

"Honestly, not ever in my life did I think I'd witness hero's fighting heroes..." Yas slumped down in her seat.

She sat in the back with Bucky while Steve steered the jet in the front.

"It's complicated. Some people were fighting for different reasons, too..." Steve sighed. Hee switched the quinjet into landing mode and then got up to get his things.

Bucky also got up and armed himself with a gun. The two men walked over to the exit.

"You remember that time we had to ride back from Rockaway Beach in the back of that freezer truck?" Steve turned to Bucky.

"Was that the time we used out train money to buy hotdogs?" He smiled. "You blew three bucks trying to win that stuffed bear for a read head."

Yasmine rolled her eyes as they kept talking, for people who are trying to get a job don,  they sure do talk a lot. she quietly laughed at her own remark.

"She's gotta be a hundred years old right now." Bucky shook his head. "So are we pal." Steve patted his shoulder.

"Oka, grandpas, let's go!"  Yasmine walked right in between the two, exiting the quinjet.

"Seriously, Yas?"

The area was so cold, the wind was howling and it was very hard to see because of the snow blowing every which way. "He can't have been here more than a few hours." Said Steve. "Long enough to have woken them up."

Yasmine didn't know what Bucky was referring to. During the conversation, Bucky, Steve, and Sam were having she wandered off. She didn't know about the other Winter Soldiers.

They entered the base and entered a very small elevator. Yasmine could tell everyone was a tad bit uncomfortable.

curse you small spaces...

As the elevator came to a stop, Bucky pointed his gun straight ahead as he walked forward while Steve held his shield up.

Yasmine didn't have a weapon in her because her powers would do.they were ready for anything at that very moment.

They stayed close to the wall as they walked down the dim hallway, as they where walking up the stairs a loud thud was heard from behind them, their heads all snapped to the direction of the noice, Cap quickly moved Yasmine behind the two.

"You ready?" Steve asked. "Yeah." Bucky said, Yasmine also said it, but it was quiet enough from them not to hear.

The door slowly opens to reveal—


He walked into the hall as his mask retracted from his face.

"You seem a little defensive." Steve nodded.

"It's been a long day," 

Steve lowered his guard, but Bucky kept his gun pointed at the man. Another thing to add to hat is the fact that Bucky and Yasmine's faces were almost the same when they were ready to fight,




"At ease, Soldier. I'm not currently after you...Or you technically. " He looked at Bucky for the first part of the Yas for the last.

"Then why are you here?" Tony kept walking closer to Steve. "Could be your story's not so crazy, maybe." He paused

"Ross has no idea I'm here. I'd like to keep it that way. Otherwise, I gotta arrest myself." Tony sighed.

"Well, that sounds like a lot of paperwork." Tony scoffed. Cap put his shield down to his side.

"It's good to see you, Tony."

"You too, Cap."

Back to Bucky and Yasmine, his gun was still pointed at the Iron Man. "Hey, Manchurian Candidate, you're killing me. There's a truce here. You can drop..."

Steve looked at Bucky and Yas, reassuring that it was okay. He lowered his gun and sighed.

"Let's go then."

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