"Are you nervous?" I let my eyes flutter shut softly and whispered to him.

"No, I've done this many times," he replied, making me feel slightly alone here.

These men were all professionals in the art of drug trading and navigating the criminal underworld; I was a newbie, the runt of the litter. Frick. I didn't belong here, a small little girl, cooped up and tied to the most feared criminal syndicate.

And yet, somehow, my life had come to be like this: I was staring at crystal-clear waters on my way to a five-star hotel, a gun pressed against my leg, and next to the most wanted man in Japan.

I let out a soft chuckle to myself, hoping that no one had been hurt, but when I felt Mikey shift, I knew that I had been loud enough to be noticeable.

"What's so funny?" he scoffed, nudging me with his shoulder.

"Oh, nothing." I shook my head, a wide and toothy grin plastered across my face.

"Tell me," he pushed, urging me to continue and entertain him with a story for the last few moments of our car ride.

"I was just thinking about what my life has become," I admitted, sending him a mocking and cheeky smirk.

"Are you appalled by it?" he teased me back, making my heart flutter and my stomach roll around with butterflies.

I stared out the window and up at the sky, smiling softly to myself, "but I'm not.

"Does that worry you?" he asked, almost caringly, the teasing act seemingly gone.

I thought for a moment.

Honestly, sometimes I wondered if I had made the right choice by giving into my emotions and forgetting all my escape plans.

Curiosity had gotten the better of me. I wanted to know what Sano Manjiro was really like. He had looks and power, but really, I wanted to know the man behind the monster.

"Sometimes," I answered honestly.

He let out a deep sigh and nodded, gripping my hand within his own and running his thumb over the back of it, smiling down at me.

"I'm sure that everyone here worries about that from time to time." The car rolled to a slow stop, and I pushed open the door, stepping out onto the driveway.

"Holy heck, oh my god," I stuttered, gazing up at the monumental sight in front of me.

This building, coated in a soft bronze-like color, must have been at least fifteen stories tall and surrounded by palm trees and flowery bushes.

Located right by the beach, it has several pools and native-hut-style restaurants.

"Is this where the meetings are going to be held?" I asked as Mikey struggled out of the car, joining me to stare down and bask in this strangely admirable sight.

"Just around here, in one of the function rooms," he told me, nodding up at the rooms.

Sanzu joined us and stood by Mikey's side, letting out a disbelieving laugh.

"We've been to some pretty sleek places, but this is something of another breed," he joked, patting Mikey's back and walking towards the front desk's reception area.

"We have a room booked," Mikey told the administration man coldly.

"What was the booking under?" he asked, not taking his eyes off the computer and tapping his fingers away furiously.

Mikey tensed, evidently annoyed by the lack of attention he was getting. "Sano," the man froze, his fingers instantly still, his eyes slowly rising to meet Mikey's.

"Welcome, uh, Mr. Sano," he stuttered nervously, "we have a villa for you. Room 835, first building on the left, fourteenth floor," he instructed, handing Mikey a room key.

He nodded his head, and all the men continued. Mikey and I were sharing a room; everyone was paired up with the rooms next to each other.

It was like a big criminal sleepover.

We reached the room, and I snipped the door shut, overtaking people but loving the air-conditioned room and quietness.

"When's the meeting?" I asked, beginning to unpack my suitcase in the drawers and wardrobes provided.

"It starts at six in a few hours, but you should be down there by five thirty. We want to make a good impression; no stuff ups; we need a good deal," he told me blankly.

"And what am I trading for in particular?"

"Weapons, specifically long range. We'll trade in some of our cocaine for a small supply of weapons."

"And you're certain they'll take the deal?

"Oh, they will; Hachiouzi has a crippling addiction to the stuff and won't be able to say no."

"I mean, okay then, fair enough."

"You should, uh, go freshen up; we've only got about an hour," he said awkwardly. I nodded, just as awkward in my agreement.

"Will do; be right back," I told him, pulling out my dress and stepping into the bathroom, getting ready for the evening.

Five fifteen in the evening.

And I was all dolled up and ready, fidgeting with my fingers as I sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for Koko to knock on the door and escort me down to the function room.

"Are you all good?" Mikey asked, sparing me a quick concerned glance as he hooked up the radio and earpieces.

"Yeah, yeah, fine. I tried to assure myself more than him as my head pounded against my chest almost uncontrollably.

Finally, once the deafening silence became too much, I stood up, grabbing my clutch from the table.

"Have you got your gun?" Mikey asked, almost protectively.

I nodded, unable to force many words out of my mouth at the moment, with the fear of throwing up ever present.

"Yeah," I stuttered shakily.

Suddenly, there was a loud knock at the door, and I knew that was my cue to leave. I was going to have to accept the fact that I was about to go on my first ever drug trade.

I smiled briefly and turned to leave before Mikey grabbed my wrist in his hand and spun me back around.

"Y/n," he almost whispered, his voice evidently trying to repress emotion.

"Mhm," I answered, looking up into his cold and powerful eyes and seeing the worry beneath the first glance.

"Be careful, okay?" He snaked an arm around my waist. I nodded, wrapping my arms around the base of his neck, pulling him in close enough that our foreheads just touched.

"I'll try," I told him.

The gap between us lessened as he leant against me, using his hands to pull me against him, softly at first, pressing his lips against mine, breathing my air, and feeling my heartbeat against our chests.

I let my eyes flutter shut, returning the kiss, pressing myself against him, and sinking my teeth lightly into his bottom lip, enjoying every moment of this while it lasted, savoring it, and storing it away in my memories.

There was another pounding at the door, and the pressure against my lips lessened.

"You should go; they don't like it when you're late," he told me softly, his breath still ever so lightly against my lips.

I released him and pulled him into a tight hug.

"I love you," he whispered.

I broke the hug and turned towards the door, my heart racing and my mind even more so.

I had no idea what to expect. I flung open the door, and there stood Koko, all dressed up in a suit and waiting for me.

"Are you ready yet?" he joked, letting a cocky smirk escape his lips.

"Nope," I shot back, stepping out of the room. The two of us made our way down to the function room.

I could tick this one off my nonexistent bucket list; my first ever drug trade was about to be complete.

NIGHTMARETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon