Death date?

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•Moscow 1827•
Natalia laid there as her father demanded that she sees his friend Carlisle Cullen. As Carlisle walked in the room holding a clipboard with her file on it. Carlisle was a young man with blonde hair and perfect white skin with yellow eyes, despite his appearance he was an amazing and skilled doctor. "Jackson, what do you want me to do?" Carlisle asked his friend in English a language Natalia was still learning at the time. "Same my daughter, Carlisle please i can't lose her too, I already lost Makayla and Alexander I can't lose her. I won't lose her.." Jackson says to Carlisle again in English. "You know what happens if I do.." Carlisle said. "Please.." Jackson pleaded not wanting to lose his daughter. "Alright I'll do it." Carlisle finally agreed.

•Forks Washington 2005•
The Cullens are in the living room doing their own thing, then the doorbell rings Carlisle gets up to answer the door. As Carlisle opens the door he's greeted by his redheaded daughter Natalia,"Miss me?" Natalia teased as she hugs Carlisle. "Natalia it's good to see you again." Carlisle says returning the hug. Moments later Bella and Edward walk downstairs. "Who's this?" Bella asked. As Carlisle released Natalia from the hug as he turns to look at Bella and Edward. "Natalia!" Rosalie says running over to her. "Rose!" Natalia says pulling her into a hug. "Bella this is Natalia, she the second founding member of our coven." Esme says walking over next to Carlisle. "You haven't changed one bit." Emmett says to Natalia. Natalia speeds over to him raping her legs around his neck and flipping to her feet cratering a shield against the wall as Emmett flys into the wall with a thud as he hits the ground. "Ha." Natalia says in Russian."ok,ok.. maybe you have.." Emmett says coughing but getting to his feet. "It's good to see you Tal." Alice says giving her a hug. "Thanks Alice." Natalie says in return."I Amuse the human is going to be one of us, no?" Natalia says gesturing to Bella. "Yes at some point." Alice said. "Is she 'gifted' like Alice and Edward?" Bella asks. "Yes, she is." Esme says. "Natalia falls in the middle of Alice's and Edwards gifts, her gift is more of mind control, or seeing something that will or could happen." Jasper says. "And trust me on that." Jasper adds. "This the one that mind unreadable?" Natalia asks Edward. "Yes." Edward says. "May I have your hand?"  Natalia asks turning to face Bella. "Um... sure.." Bella says walking over and placing her hand in Natalia's. Natalia closes her eyes then smirks opening her eyes. " you picked a good one my dear." Natalia says to Edward. Edward stands there shocked. "You can read her mind?" He asks still shocked. "She's part divine Edward, what did you expect?" Rosalie asks.

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