attachement issues

14 1 0

I ve ripped all the drawings that were made after your face, apart.
they are now just little squares inhabiting trash bins around the city.
it made the process a little bit easier to experince, to get through.
im still randomly remembering you but not as often as I used to
I dont miss you as much as I did
I dont want to hug you as much as I did
my anger towards you has now diminshed the place that used to be filled with rage left space for healing
however my brain still wants you to read this, to be present somehow which is quite stupid
im still searching for you in instagram accounts, pictures and posts hoping its you
but its just silly


Ok this is basically about how my brain naturally (more or less) cant help missing people I shouldnt miss because thats just how my brain is wired atm due to past experiences that shaped all of this unhealthy mechanisms

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