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Third Person Pov

David nervously walked to the front door and took a deep breath before knocking. David came face to face with devon who looked like he ain't slept in lord knows how long. "May i come in?" David asks and devon quickly moved to the side letting him in. Devon couldn't help himself and wrapped his arms around david tightly. "I thought i messed things up" Devon says and david sighs hugging devon back. "You didn't mess up anything" David says.

"I'm sorry for not noticing yo feelings sooner and-" David starts before devon cuts him off. "It's alright you not a mind reader i should have said something but i was scared that i would lose you" Devon says and david smiled. "You not gone lose me promise" David says before he was being let go. Devon smiled happy to hear that he couldn't and wouldn't lose david it would drive him off a cliff.

"I'm gonna be honest and say i'm confused about my feelings towards this whole thing but nothing is going to change i promise we're still going to be cool" David says honestly. "I'm cool with that as long as you and me still good" Devon says and david smiled before hugging devon once again. Devon felt his heart do a couple cartwheels something it always did when him and david were close like this.

He pushed the feeing aside and returned the hug. David continued thinking about it and then him and devon started dating which didn't surprise many fans and yes the fangirls had a fit but they were happy which was all that they ever wanted. Now devon got all he ever wanted and that was to be with david.

The end

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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