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Today I was feeling off the whole day so I decide to go bother my boyfriend ash , sure at the time it was a very good idea but now I'm regretting it considering he's ignoring me to play with his friends on his games and now my stomach is killing me when i felt something odd . I ran to the bathroom, and you have got to be kidding me this is the worse time to happen. Why did my period decide to happen now of all times I check my bag i keep under the sink to see if i had anything I only had one pad you have got to be kidding me and no advil you mother fucker. I then see of course i bled through my shorts no no i don't have any clothes I walk into the room and lay down why does this have to fucking suck and now the cramps hurt even more so I push my knees to my stomach holding them (tell me why do i always do this as well  😭) . I feel tears build up another thing i hate is being so fucking emotional I then hear "hey guys I'm getting off , so what if it has to do with my girlfriend bitch ? oh fuck off " and the chair be pushed in when I felt the bed dip and a hand placed on my hip "hey mamas what's wrong? wait are you crying mama" he sits up by the headboard and i feel him tilt my head up to look at him the tears going down my face causing me to almost sneeze.

His hard face with no emotion then turns into worried and scared "mama what's wrong ?" he moves my hair out of my face "you were ignoring me and I didn't feel good and then i got my period and i bled through my shorts and i don't have any advil or what i need " my voice lowering slightly I feel hands slide around my waist pulling me up into his chest tilting my head up "mamas why wouldn't you just tell me? I would've got off immediately and went and got you something?". "cause you were focused on your game and when I got here you basically ignored me the whole time so I just let you be" he nods "i'll be right back okay?" he got up by placing a blanket over me "where are you going?" I looked at him confused when he didn't answer grabbing his keys and phone leaving shutting the door leaving the room in silence so i turned on the tv deciding to watch this new movie on netflix called 'Your so not invited to my Bat mitzvah' (off topic I actually liked that movie-) . The movie was a little cringey but was quite good not complaining I still am sticking with my girl stacey though lydia was gaslighting her like ma'am you could've told her you liked him before and maybe she would've understood more and been happy for you like omg and stacey like gave her her party me personally i'd never do that for a gaslight bitch. 

While I was basically raging about the movie I heard the front door open and ash walk in with like a million different bags did this bitch go on a shopping spree or some shit "what is all this babe?" I looked at him pausing the movie "well I know your very stubborn so I bought you everything I know you'd possibly need and or want including snacks , advil, a heating pad and all your supplies you need" he shrugged un loading the bags putting the snack and advil on his desk then handing me a bag making me look at him confused. "there's a pair of shorts in there and I know you prefer my shirts so grab one from my closet this is all what you need and where you wanna put them away" he smiled , this motherfucker acts so fucking scary to everyone else smh watch them see him like this not that I'm complaining "thanks" a smile making it's way onto my face grabbing the bag walking to the bathroom when I tell you this bitch got everything a girl probably would need on her period he did . After I did what I had to I walked back into his room laying down which he then handed me advil and water to take which I did cause nobody wants to be in pain like the hell I am , he then sat next to me letting me lay my head on his chest "what we watching mamas?" he looked down at me with curiosity "this new movie on netflix is good the one character though is pissing me the hell off " I unpaused the movie watching it . 

That whole day we just stayed that way , watching movies , me talking shit about characters or Ash complaining how something isn't realistic making me yell at him. Overall it was a nice day and I'm glad ash is a big softie around me, it shows he trusts me and well that's all I ask for from this boy.


Hi My lovely readers ladies,gentlemen and whoever else likes this book! I hope this chapter was good I wanted to make ash a little bit of a softy cause this bitch is stubborn and rude as all hell (no hate to javon LOVE HIM!)  I'm sorry i haven't been updating a lot I start school in three days at a new school so I'm a little nervous and Anyways I specifically chose that movie cause well I really liked it sure it was kinda cringy but i thought it was good stacey>>>>>>lydia though that's just my opinion though ngl though andy is fine as hell! But I hope everyone's enjoying the book thank you all for the views , the votes and comments remember I TAKE REQUESTS!! IDC WHAT IT IS I TAKE REQUEST (just nothing like smut please thank you! A little makeout I'm fine with just no where else!) SO DON'T HESITATE TO SEND IN REQUEST I ALSO DO OBVIOUSLY FOR JADEN,JAYLA AND ALSO JAVON'S CHARACTER IN UMBRELLA ACADEMY AND SAMARITAN SO PLEASE SEND THEM IN LOVELYS!! i hope you all are healthy and having a great life if not i know it seems hard but you will get through it i believe in you!! I will be adding little questions after this sometimes so answer if you'd like! Bye everyone make sure to eat and drink water!

question: Have you seen the movie "Your so not invited to my Bat mitzvah"? If you have,give your opinion on it and maybe your favorite character! or Have you started school yet and what are you most excited about in the school year?

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