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"Hello Everyone! Welcome to my channel or if you're someone that has watched my videos 

before welcome back! We're grateful you're here!" Akaashi started with his usually greeting 

while sitting between the 3 boys. Kenma on his Left, Kuroo on Kenma's Left, and Bokuto and 

Akaashi's Right. "Lets welcome to the channel Tetsu, " Akaashi motioned to Kuroo, who gave a 

small wave. "KoBo," Bokuto waved excitedley. "Hi everyone!" he exclaimed "and Kodzuken!" 

Keiji motioned to Kenma. "Yo wassup" kenma replied while giving a small nod of greeting.

Keiji smiled lovingly at all of his boyfriends then looked back at the camera. "Today they will be 

trying makeup for the first time ever as per you guy's request! This was easily one of my most 

requested things since I came out to my fans and now it's happening! Are you 

guys excited?"Kaashi looked at all three of his boyfriends. "I'm hyped. My sister put sharpie on a 

kid as a form of makeup. How different can this be?" Kuroo responded. Kenma chuckled at the 

memory. "I remember the heart attack you gave auntie that day. I thought the poor woman was 

gonna faint." Bokuto was bouncing up and down in his seat out of excitement. "If it's with you 

guys I'm excited for anything!" The boy's hearts melted right then and there as they look at their 

boyfriend with lovestruck eyes. "Aww Kou. That's adorable. No you're adorable." Kenma 

laughed. It was a huge surprise when people realized how soft Kenma was for his partners but 

most thought it was adorable. Bokuto beamed with a smile when each of his partners gave him 

a quick kiss. Kenma on his forhead, and Kaashi and Kuroo on either cheek. " Ok now that that's 

out of the way, lets get started. We're gonna start with Kenma. Also, all of them picked out their 

own makeup with some guidance from me and while we are doing this we will be answering 

some of your most asked questions on all of our respective pages. Sound good guys?" "Sure 

let's get started." Kenma said (A/N: I'm gonna be naming American brands because idk what 

brands Japan has) Alright so we're gonna start with my usually primer which is the only thing 

they didn't pick out. Kou can you read out the first question for us?" Kaashi asked while 

applying primer to Kenma's face. "Sure Keiji! Umm someone asked "Who started dating first? A 

lot of people think Kenma and Kuroo started dating first then Kaashi and Bokuto, then you guys 

got together. So i figured i would ask." Kou finished. Kuroo was the one that spoke up. "I'll 

answer this one. So surprisingly Bokuto and Kenma got together first while me and Keiji got 

together. We all knew that we had feelings for each other but we figured that it was gonna stay 

that way until TangyTangerine (Shoyo) and PrettyboyKawa sorta made sorta encouraged me 

and Kenma to confess after getting fed up with our ranting one day during a training camp."  

Kuroo sheepishly chuckled. The rest went somewhat similarly. with then answering questions 

and reminiscing on great memories."Alright guys! This is there makeup finished! And this is also 

the end of this video! Thank you so much for watching and we'll see you again later!" They all 

said their goodbyes and Keiji stopped recording. " You want some help with editing honey? It 

will take faster if we all help. Besideswe all know how to edit." Kenma offered. Keiji gave Kenma 

a look that could make him go weak in the knees. "No thanks Kenma. I'm not really gonna edit 

this one. I'm just gonna add in my intro and be done. I don't plan on being online for a while so 

this should make up for it. Kuroo looked at his boyfriend worriedly. "Are you sure baby? It's 

already 11 PM."  Akaashi laughed "I'm not gonna do it right now you weirdo." Lets wash up this 

makeup and head to sleep. And thats what they did.


A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I'm aware the makeup doesnt look the best🥲. This is my first time doing anything like that so um y a y lmao. Anyways,  please make sure to comment what type of story ya want me to do next! Have a great day! Below is a picture of what their makeup looked like. 

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