This time, Ran was the one who got a bit mad. His eyebrows furrowed, staring at Kanzari, waiting for her reply.

"Yeah! He's pretty handsome... and he's really nice! We're actually texting right now" Kanzari put on a smile, and Ran took a deep breath. "Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to the bathroom".

Kanzari got up immediately, and rushed to the bathroom. She felt really weird, she didn't like the feeling of jealousy. Jumiya ran after her, concerned for the girl.

"Kanzari! You good?" Jumiya put her hand on Kanzari's shoulder in concern for her.

"No! I'm not! I knew it was a bad thing to start liking Ran, he's like the worst person to like out of everyone in Tohuzama! Why did I have to like him of all people?" Kanzari whisper shouted at Jumiya. "I'm going to stop liking him, no matter how long it takes. Maybe Masahiro? He seems interested in me, I'll like him instead. I will, no matter what'".

Jumiya sighed "That's going to do more harm than good. The more you distance yourself away from Ran, the more you will like him".

"I don't care, Jumiya, I really don't. It will work for me, if I do it, it will work. I'm Sona fucking Kanzari!" she yelled, before calming herself down.

"Okay, okay, whatever makes you happy Kanzari..." Jumiya sighed in defeat, as they both walked back to the table.

The food was already there, and god damn it looked really good. They all ate happily, Kanzari still thinking about what she was going to try to do. Ran occasionally looked over at her, worried that another Tokyo camp incident was going to happen again. He was just concerned for her, he thought, and he thought that he was doing the right thing, and didn't think otherwise.

After eating, everyone walked back home. It was darker, since it was already about 9PM, and everyone had their phone flashlights to help them walk. It was quite pretty, and it was quite a nice vibe.

Everyone got back home and went back to their consecutive rooms. Ran changed in to some pajamas and was sitting on his bed, when someone knocked on the door. It was Yuji, who just ended up opening it himself, and let himself inside.

"What?" Ran sat up on his bed, as Yuji walked to him laughing. "You look stupid...".

"Why the fuck were you so uptight today? Like, you aren't being the normal Takahashi Ran you are" Yuji asked him, while sitting down next to him on his bed.

"Nothing... I'm not!" he kind of yelled, and Yuji raised an eyebrow.

"Is it because of Kanzari? And that Masahiro guy?" He asked him, and Ran sighed.

"No! But... they do piss me off. Kanzari's getting all mad because I'm trying to keep her away from creeps like him!" Ran complained to Yuji, who just took a deep breath before answering him.

"I think you're jealous... you're definitely jealous" Yuji put his pointy finger on his lips and tapped it slowly like he was inspecting Ran.

"No I don't! I just..." Ran tried to snap back.

"You just?".

"I just... she's my bestfriend and seeing her with other men, who are creeps are concerning! Who knows what that guy could do to her!" Ran whined, with his lips pouted.

"You could've stopped that sentence before you said he's a creep. He's really fucking nice, I think... I mean he's said some sketchy things to Kanzari, but I'm pretty sure it's because he's getting to know Kanzari! I mean... you were like that too! You are just fucking jealous Ran..." Yuji told him, while slapping him with a pillow.

"First, stop hitting me with the pillow. Second, do not compare me to that guy. Third, I don't even like Kanzari, so why would I be jealous?" Ran snapped back at him, and he sighed.

"Oh Ran... we all go through this. Any sane person would see you're fucking jealous..." Yuji jokingly patted his back, which led to his hand being slapped away.

"No I'm...! If this was all you were going to say, go back to your own room" Ran smiled while he put Yuji's hand back on his lap, and jokingly pushed him. Yuji glared before getting up, Ran waving at him as he slammed the door.

Ran sighed, thinking that Yuji was being stupid, and got back on his phone. Eventually, he fell asleep, and so did everyone else.

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