A friend comes through the window

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"What in the world?" Athena hisses in shock
“What are you doing here?”
Athena quickly opens her window and turns around
"Put something on and answer my question"
" Don't worry I've put something on you can turn around now"
“Also, am I not supposed to visit my dearest friend now?” says heinrey
“Why are you here heinrey” she asks after taking a deep breath to calm herself down. She had gotten startled.
“I visited the queen and came here, i feel lonely in the palace you know~”
“Empress heinrey empress not queen” “What’s the deal with that they’re both high positions”
“Navier didn’t waste all those years just to be a queen she deserves to be an empress and you! Stay away from her right now, she’s a married woman, she doesn’t need a scandal now especially with that wench here” Athena snaps. She never liked the fact that Navier used her childhood years to study how to be an empress instead of having fun like teens are supposed to do. Navier and Athena had a bond deeper than navier and sovieshu ever had. Maybe it was because Navier always wanted an older sister but heavens only granted her a brother. Not that koisar was a bad brother.
“ I hope you’re coming here for the new years ball”
“Yes I have been invited by the qu-i mean the empress ” Heinrey corrects himself at Athena's sharp glare.
It was surprising for heinrey that Athena could be that protective of someone. She didn't care to say anything about her brother but if you say anything about Navier you'll find your dead body buried under an endangered species of plant.
"How is your brother?"
Heinrey shook his head; it was clear he didn't want to talk about the topic.
" I see…, how have you found this place so far?"
"Your palace is very well situated, it's a beauty."
"It indeed is, my father gifted it to me as a coming of age present I was delighted"
" I can imagine you with a big smile "
"Oh no, I was happy but I couldn't show it, I wasn't supposed to"
"Oh...It seems that your brother is rather smitten by his mistress huh?" He commented trying to change the subject,
"Yes he is even though he has Navier by his side" Athena sighs " I knew the girl was better for the likes of my brother"  he succeeds in changing the subject.
" That is true, infact it think you're better suited for the throne as well~"heinrey replies in a song song voice.
"Oh well I can't tell you to stop saying the truth but you need to mind your words while in the presence of sovieshu."
Just then a very agitated looking blue bird landed on the balcony railing.
"Oh my, Heinrey don't tell me you came without telling McKenna? Oh and hello McKenna" Athena says looking very amused.
The blue bird's demeanor shifts for a moment while it bows it's head towards Athena in greeting and as soon as it turns towards Heinrey, it's starts glaring daggers towards him.
" Oh um- I gotta go see you soon Athena~"
And so he again transforms into a bird again, hurriedly flying out into the sky with McKenna behind him while Athena waved towards them.
"Ah i gotta sleep or I'll be in a foul mood tomorrow" Athena thinks while yawning, she closes the window as soundlessly as she could and slips into her beloved bed.
----timeskip----next morning----
"My lady wake up, we need to get you ready" Athena is gently shaken out of her peaceful slumber by lady Reyna
"Good morning she greets her with a soft smile.
"Good morning lady Reyna," Athena greets back while getting up to get ready
"So what do I have in my schedule today?"
"Oh well... I don't recall you having any schedule for today " Eliza says
"Alright your majesty, Eliza let's fetch a dress for her majesty
"Hmmm… i may want to train with my sword today"
"We'll inform the guards" Eliza exclaims, as cheerful as ever..
As soon as the ladies in waiting leave, Athena sighs, the nobles who are on her side should be having a meeting soon, she's going to have to deal with all them, social events are such a pain.
"Well if we're going to have a meeting, i shall write letters to inform the Nobles" she mutters to herself, stretching.
'If I am to train today shall I not do it in the morning itself? In the afternoon it'll get hotter' she thinks while gazing out of her window, looking at the sky, the sun rising.
Athena and sovieshu both have been trained in swordsmanship from an early age so that they could protect themselves, sovieshu could always try out to be a knite or something while for Athena it'll be a good skill for an empress, but oh well it doesn't matter now because sovieshu was the empror.
The door opens Eliza and Reyna enters the chamber with her tunic and a leather pants in hand, Athena smiles at them gratefully.
I am backkk~
Im alright y'all idek why I got so sad tbh, anyways
How do you like this so far?
I went in a block for sometime
Like I was in a reading black, a writing block, and a art block all at once it was so boring~~
Okay I'll stop with the '~' it's weird,

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