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Summer was anxious as she rounded the elevator to professor ozpin's Office. She needed permission from Ozpin to look for her brother since it was the middle of the school year, and team STRQ wouldn't be able to go on this mission without his permission first. When the elevator finally stopped, Summer took a deep breath before entering Ozpins office." Good morning mid rose. What partake do I have the pleasure of you coming here unannounced?" Summer took a deep breath." My mother called me today." Ozpin raised his eyebrow, already knowing what her mother was like and what she had done." She told me that I have a Half little brother that she left at an orphanage in n Shade, his name is Roman Torchwick, and he is ten. I was hoping me and my team could go to Shade and get him. He is the only family I have l have left."

Ozpin races his eyebrow." Does Roman have long red hair and emerald green eyes?" Summer was shocked." How do you know what my brother looks like?" Ozpin took a sip of his hot chocolate before speaking." You will not find your brother in the shade. He ran away from the orphanage a while ago. I know this because I have a contact in Mistral. She goes by little miss. She runs a gang in Mistral, but instead of hurting and exploiting people, they protect the people of Mistral because Atlas only really protects the rich. Little miss keeps an eye on the criminal underworld for me, and a while ago she took in a ten-year-old boy with a long red head and green eyes, so if you want to find your brother, you need to go to mistral I'll let little miss know you will be coming."

Team STRQ was waiting impatiently in their dorm room, waiting for their leader to return. As seen as summer opened the door, the team gathered around their leader." So what did Ozpin say." Tai asked." He said that Roman is not in the shade anymore. He ran away from the orphanage and not in Mistral but in the spider gang, which works for Ozpin to keep an eye on the criminal underworld and protect the poor people of Mistral. He is going to inform their leader that we are coming."

Long lost brotherUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum