Prologue (part two)

Start from the beginning

(Mine is also gone? How is this possible? I'm sure I didn't drop it... or could it be that I never had it by myself to begin with?)

Minori: Hueeh!? I didn't have phone!? But I was holding in my pocket!

Tsukasa: This is bad! Mine too!

(Looks like it's not just Me or An-chan... everyone also....)

(All of them having the same problem.)

Monomiku: AHEM!! Feel free to ask me any questions BUT one at a time please! So let's do it like this if you have a question raise your hand!

(Everyone raise their hands... And so do I... I have a lot of questions for Miku...)

Monomiku: Let's start with Ichika~! What do you have to say?

Ichika: Miku, you are being really strange today... what's wrong?

Monomiku: Oh Ichika, let me explain! So as you guys have probably guessed by now, there are multiple SEKAI!

Monomiku: Anyways let me go further into detail, since I didn't get the chance to do so yet!


Monomiku: Did that awnser your question?

Ichika: I-I... Miku what is this all about, this whole SEKAI? The killing thing? Are you actually being serious?

Monomiku: Ahhh! How many times do you want me to tell you that I'm not joking! I'm starting to feel like you are not listening at all! Hmpf!

Ichika: I'm sorry, I just wanted to make sure...

Monomiku: Ruiii~ I hope you won't make me repeat myself!

Rui: Don't worry, I won't. What exactly do you mean when you say get away with killing someone?

Monomiku: Ohoho I like your questions! You actually asked a good question and didn't repeat what others said again and again.

Monomiku: Anyways let me go further into detail, since I didn't get the chance to do so yet!

Monomiku: If you want to leave this place you have to kill someone, doesn't matter who it is you can kill any of the other 15 people here, but just killing them would be tooo~ easy and booring~!

(Easy and boring?? I dont think you could say that to killing someone...)

Monomiku: So that's where the getting away part gets in! An announcement will notify everyone once two or more people, excluding the killer, discover the body!

Monomiku: After everyone has gathered together you will have an hour to investigate and find clues on who the killer might be.

Monomiku: After that a class trial will begin. Now.. you might wonder 'What is this thing called class trial?' Simple! We all gather together and try to find out who the killer is using the clues that you collected

(Silence, again nobody speaks. Most of them being deep in thoughts...)

Monomiku: No questions so far? Good, I'll continue. Where was I... Oh yes! At the end of the class trial everyone will have to vote for someone.

Monomiku: If you vote out the wrong person the killer wins! But if you vote out the killer everyone but the killer wins!

Monomiku: So what does the killer get if they win? They get to escape, obviously, but that's not all!

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