Chapter 2 - The Park

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It had been 5 months since that day in Diagon Alley. Y/N had tried to get in contact with Hermione. He wanted to talk to her again, not just because he had developed a crush on her instantly, but mainly because he enjoyed her company. Unfortunately, he had no way of contacting her. He had tried looking at many of the local dentists to see if any had the name Granger, but found nothing. He was now sitting in his room, reading through a Grade 3 spell book. Grades 2 and 1 had been easy reads for him, with grade 1 taking two months and grade 2 taking three months. He hadn't attempted any spells yet. His mum had told him it was the law when he was 8. Despite finding reading fun, after 5 months he'd grown slightly bored of it. He hadn't been allowed out of the house in a while, not since he'd come back beaten up. He had walked to the shop when he got ambushed by some boys not much older than him. They beat him while calling him "devil spawn." He had begged his mum to let him go to the park ever since, yet to no avail. He decided to try asking again and rushed downstairs.

"Mum! Can I please go to the park today? I've been cooped up in this house for months," he said as he entered the kitchen where he saw his mother cleaning dishes.

"I wanted to talk about it anyway. Your father and I have bought you this," she held out a small gold coin, "Whenever you are in danger, press down on it twice and it will alert us to your location. Press it three times and it will teleport us to you."

He took the coin into his hands and ran out of the front door. The park was a ten-minute walk from his house. He walked down the long main road. He saw a few people give him dirty looks, but thought nothing of it. Eventually, he reached the park and sat down on a swing. The park wasn't very busy, with only a group of girls present. He sat on the swing, going back and forth, with many thoughts crossing his mind. First was Hogwarts; his sister had told him all about the place. He thought of the sky-high towers and the lovely food near the common room. He automatically assumed he'd be in Hufflepuff like his sister, and he didn't mind it. He saw himself as a loyal companion type. Although he liked to think of himself as smart, which could lead to Ravenclaw, he was also ambitious, but he'd hate to be in Slytherin. Gryffindor would be cool as well, but he didn't consider himself brave. As he swung, his thoughts switched to Hermione. Surely she'd be in Ravenclaw; she seemed extremely clever. However, she could be hiding a brave side. He was unsure, but he knew that whatever house she was in, that's the house he wanted to be in.

He heard a shout in the distance, a shout of distress. His finger lingered over the coin in his pocket. He wouldn't need it. Even if his mum didn't let him buy a wand yet, he was still physically strong enough to help. He rushed over to where he heard the shout. He saw the same group of girls from earlier, surrounding something. He heard them shouting insults at whatever was in the middle of the group.

"NerdMione, FreakMione, that's what you are – a freak! You hear that, Granger? A freak!" he heard them shout. He realized it must be Hermione in the center of the group.

"Move!" he shouted as the girls parted, allowing him through. He quickly rushed in front of Hermione, turning to face the girls, "Go away! You bullies, you're a group of cowards!"

"Look, Granger has herself a boyfriend!" one of the girls shouted. Hermione thought she recognized that voice from somewhere, but she didn't dare look up, scared to get kicked again.

"Go away!" Y/N shouted again. He stood in front of them, blocking their path to Hermione.

"Come on, girls, let's go. He's not worth it," the one who looked like the leader said, starting to walk away. After the noise had died down, Hermione looked up to see who her savior was. She saw the boy she had met in Diagon Alley staring back at her. He had her check cupped in his hand, examining her face.

"Hermione, I'm so sorry. I should have helped earlier. It's all my fault," he said, tears forming in his eyes, "we need to get you home."

He picked Hermione up, placing an arm over his shoulder and asking if she was comfortable with it, to which she nodded.

Endless Love - Hermione Granger X Male Reader - Harry Potter Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now