Chapter 1: The Golden Ticket Contest

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November 3rd, 2017, 11:55 PM.

It was 5 minutes till midnight, and I and Violet had arrived back at Circus Baby's Entertainment and Facility.

We step out of the car, with a relieved look on our faces, as we got back from karate practice.

We go up in front of the elevator doors, I press the button.

" You did a good job, today!" Violet said

She is technically a coach, always wanting me to win, which I understand since I'm now a Champion.

The gum however was originally a pack of gum that I had got at a Walmart checkout, but now It had gotten me fame.

The elevator doors open, me and Violet enter inside, as the doors open and we start to head down.

Till the doors open again, Me and Violet have a conversation about the next tournament we plan on going to.

the only answer she gave me was...

" It's an end-of-year tournament, they said it had to do with Christmas, that's all!"

" Oh, well I hope I win it!" I answered back.

" Don't worry, Calvary, you will!" she said back.

Anytime she says to me that I will win it, she wants to encourage me with determination, I take that as a challenge and give her the look of "Oh I will win it, you just see!"

While I'm chewing the same piece of gum, as Violet has been used to that since she started motivating me.

Finally, the doors open as we crawl through the vents and decide to say goodnight.

" Alright, Calvary, Goodnight!" she says

" Goodnight!" I say back.

I walk to my room, take off my karate outfit, and hop into bed, set the gum piece on the table, and go to sleep, hoping tomorrow will be better.

Then early next afternoon came, and I got a text from Toy Freddy, along with a couple of video links

" Green! You need to see this, this is so important!!"

I click the link, only to find a news report titled along the lines of "Golden Ticket Contest"

There, I see a male news reporter outside a gigantic factory, obviously excited with a smile on his face.

" Breaking News! Local mascot of Fasbear Entertainment, Freddy Fasbear, has decided to open his chocolate factory to 7 of his friends,"

" 7 golden tickets will be hidden in thousands of Freddy Bars, though one of them will receive the best prize beyond their imagination, the rest will get a lifetime supply of chocolate."

" Best luck to those who find them, Back to you!"

I was in shock at what I heard, I instantly knew what I had to do, I ran out of my room and told Violet that we needed to find that ticket.

" Violet! We need to find that ticket!" I shouted

She then looked shocked hearing this, and quite confused.

"Wait! What ticket?!" She asked, quite perplexed.

I took a deep breath, ready to deliver the news I think she's gonna like.

" Well, I just got sent a news report from Toy Freddy, and you won't believe it, but..."

I took another deep breath to prepare myself from the shock on Violet's face.

Mangle and the Chocolate Factory: Calvary's Perspective.Where stories live. Discover now