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Another day, another shift at the Garrison. Lizzy is now kept as a prisoner in Shelby's basement. Today it's a fine day, not many customers, not a big deal, it is pretty quiet inside the pub today. Suddenly, Tommy barged in and took me to the private Peaky Blinders' room of the Garrison.

"Lana, you're in big fucking trouble."

"What do you mean?"

"The Lee's are after you!"

"Who are the Lee's?" I asked confused.

He sighs deeply. "The Lee's are a gypsy family. They found out that you live in Small Heath and they wanna trace you. They know that you killed those people who were with Lizzy some days earlier. And 2 of them were a part of the Lee family." He said.

I gasped. "Bloody Motherfuckers!"

"They wanna kill you. I heard this from Esme."

"And, uh-?" I asked.

"I think they wanna get into a war with you.."

"Like, how? What do you mean by "war"? What is that? I don't have a gang or something!"

"I don't know much information! I'll go to bring Arthur here to take care of the Pub. You stay inside, in this room. I'll make sure he checks on you every once in a while."

I was starting to get scared. Tom somehow noticed it and pulled me into a big hug.

I felt safe around him, don't even care if he's cold with people.

"Don't worry. As long as you are with the Shelby's, you'll be safe. I'm going to repeat this one more time. Stay in this room, I'll tell Arthur to come check on you. Don't get out until this matter is solved. Okay?"


Having one or two people after me isn't a big deal but a whole fucking family?! That sucks. I get my cigarettes, take one of them out, put it in my mouth and light it with matches, then sit on the couch.

"Can I also have one? I ran out."

"Sure! Let me just light it for you.. There."


I can tell he wanted to kiss me. So did I but I couldn't.

"Well, I'm gonna go now. Listen to what I said."

Maybe some whiskey won't be that bad... I open the little door between the private room and the bar.

"Oi, Arthur! Give me a whiskey glass! Please!"

"You shouldn't drink in this moment.." he said

"Oi, Arthur. Maybe one glass is not that bad, trust me!"

"Fine!" He smiled.

"Yeah, I won't!" I rolled my eyes.

He gave me a glass full of Whiskey. I sit back down and gulp the whiskey, finish my cig and lay on the couch, closing my eyes.


I don't move.

"Lana wake up!" He said as he shook me gently.


"We need to go to the Lee's right now."


I slowly get up and sit on the couch. Thomas helps me get up.

"There. Take it easy." He look at me. I look back at him and we make eye contact.

"Uh..." I move the bangs out of my face.

"This can be your last time being alive, what's your last wish?" He said.

"Well. I uhm... I wish I could kiss you..." I said quietly.

He grabbed my face and he quickly kissed me. "Well, I hope you are happy now.." He said.

"I uh-"

"Now let's get going to the Lee's..."

I nodded in approval. "Mhm."

We got out of the pub and we got in his car. John and Polly were already in the car. I was a little bit drunk.

"I may have an idea!" Polly said.

"What ideea?" Thomas questioned Polly as he started driving.

"We're gonna invite Lana in Peaky Blinders. And this will force them to stop the war." Polly said.

John agreed. "This is a perfect idea!"

"We could definitely do that.." Tommy agreed. "Lana, will you join the Peaky Blinders?"

"I sure will!" I smiled.

The ride to the Lee family was silent. But we finally got there.

"Lana, you need to be respectful and agree with me if I say something. Got it?" Tommy said. He was somehow worried about this, even if he seemed cold.


We walk and we see a woman. She's probably a Lee. We stopped in front of her and I was stunned.

"You deserve to die! You killed my brothers!" She kept yelling at me. "I would shoot you, but you don't deserve to die so easily. You need to be stabbed and left there, to rot and die!"

"Zilpha, please calm down!" Tommy said.

"Zilpha, you can't kill her. She's one of us now. She's a Peaky Blinder. She didn't mean to kill your brothers, she had no hesitation!" Polly said calmly and worried at the same time.

"Lana, please beg for an apology and make peace with Zilpha and the Lee family!" Tommy said.

"I'm sorry..." I said anxiously while looking down.

"Get on your knees and apologize!" Zilpha yelled.

"But-" I murmured. I looked over at Tommy and he nodded as an approval. Then I got on my knees. "I'm sorry..." I said while still looking down.

"Look up at me while saying that!" Zilpha yelled again. She was really angry.

I looked up at her while I was on my knees. "I'm sorry..."

"Mean it!" She said.

I was still on my knees looking up at her. "I mean it! I'm sorry!"

"You don't mean it! You whore!"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

She approaches me. "Get up."

I got up.

"APOLOGIZE!" Zilpha yelled.

"I'm sorry!" I was very anxious.

She slapped me. I didn't even flinch. "YOU BLOODY WHORE!" She continues to slap me, I don't even move or flinch.

"Zilpha, I think it's enough!" Polly said worried.

"It is not enough 'til I say it is!" She keeps punching and slapping me.

"Zilpha, please stop!" John begged.

"I won't." She kept slapping me.

"ZILPHA! IT IS ENOUGH!" Tommy yelled. I finally got free from her arms.

"I'm sorry!" I begged.

"Apologies accepted." Finally, she said.

I had some red marks on my face from her slaps. It didn't hurt me, but they looked bad. As we walked away, Tommy kept looking at my face.

"Are you alright, Lana?" Tommy asked.

"Yes! I'm fine, don't worry. Just a little slap!" I laughed. Probably I didn't feel her punching and slapping me because I was a little drunk from that whiskey glass.

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