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━━ November 2020

Hello. This is XXX Group Entertainment.

We are writing to inform fans regarding member Dami's health status and absence from scheduled activities.

Recently, Dami has experienced abnormal conditions such as fever, nauseous, migraines, and more, so she went to the hospital with her manager and got a consultation and examination. She received medical advice that treatment and rest are required. As Dami's health recovery is the most important, she will not be participating in scheduled activities for the time being and plans to recover her health while resting.

As a result, Dami has decided not to participate in scheduled activities starting next week and we will let you know later when it is confirmed for her to resume her schedules. We sincerely apologize to fans for causing concern and we ask for fans' kind understanding that this is a decision made for Dami's health.

We will do our best to work hard and support Dami so that she can greet fans with a healthier image.

Thank you.

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