Chapter 20

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I walked into the house after Harry and threw the keys onto the table in the kitchen. I kicked off my shoes, took off my coat and went into the living room where Harry was sat.

I sat on the sofa next to Harry and wrapped my arms around him, pulling him close. He buried his head into my neck and mumbled something I couldn't quite hear. I smiled down at him, his hair was slightly messed up and he looked tired. There was a childish look in his face as he smiled up at me, "That was perfect Lou," he said cutely, "I especially loved the fireworks."

"Me too Hazzabear, I'm glad you enjoyed it," I smiled. He nodded slowly and buried his face into my neck again, his curls tickling my skin.

"Boobear," he muttered, "Will you sing to me?"

"What do you want me to sing love?"

"My favourite song," he mumbled childishly. I always loved when Harry got into those childish moods.

"Kiss me?" He nodded, his head still buried into my warm neck. I kissed his forehead and started singing softly, "settle down with me,

Cuddle me up,

Cover me in,

Lie down with me,

And hold me,

In your arms,

Your heart's against my chest,

Lips pressed to my neck," as I sang that line Harry placed a kiss on my neck. I felt a smile appear on my lips as I continued singing to the sleepy boy, "I'm falling for your eyes,

But they don't know me yet,

A feeling I forget,

I'm in love now," I heard Harry's soft snores and I looked down at his sleeping face. His lips were slightly parted and he looked so angelic. Even though he was asleep I carried on singing to him, it made everything feel peaceful and just felt right, "Kiss me like you wanna be loved,

Wanna be loved,

Wanna be loved,

This feels like falling in love,

Falling in love,

I've fallen in love," I stopped singing to hear Louise and Chloe's hushed voices.

Chloe smiled at me, "I've always loved your voice Lou, and I've always wanted to hear you sing that song," she said quietly.

"It was perfect," Louise whispered.

I smiled at them both and replied in a quiet voice, "Harry always sings it to me, it's his favourite ever song."

"You two make the cutest couple," Chloe said.

"You do! Hey...have you told management yet," Louise asked with a questioning look.

I shook my head, "No, we don't want them to know, they'll just go to drastic measures to hide it! We'll probably tell them soon-ish though."

"Well at least you don't have to pretend around us lot," Louise smiled. I nodded and smiled back.

"I'm going to take Harry up to bed now, night girls." They said goodnight in reply as I lifted off of the sofa and he clinged onto my jumper, still sleeping soundly. I laid him down on his bed and gently lifted off his top and pulled off his jeans so he was more comfortable and left in his boxers. I stripped down to my boxers as well and laid down next to Harry, before covering us both with the duvet, not once waking Harry. I snuggled close to him and even though he was still asleep he nuzzled his head into my neck again. I wrapped my arms around him and closed my eyes, inhaling his scent and embracing his warmth. I just wished I could announce to the whole world that I'm in love with Harry Styles!

A/N- oh my god I'm so sorry it took so long for me to upload and that this isn't a very exciting chapter! The next one should be better and uploaded on time! Thank you so much for reading please comment with constructive criticism or just comment telling me what you think and if you liked it please vote or follow! Love you!! Love from

~Chloe Xx

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2013 ⏰

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