Julie appeared astounded, “The hottest and most unbelievably attractive, not to mention loaded, Ronan Morrissey has asked you on a date –“

          “Not a date!” she seemed compelled to correct.

          Her friend’s scowl deepened.

          “And his money isn’t of any importance to me.” Kate exclaimed a bit irritably.

          “That’s not what I meant.” Julie said, “What I’m trying to say is that you’re one lucky babe.”

          Kate shrank within her chair, not at all comforted by Julie’s giddiness.

          “Now, what are you planning on wearing?”

          She stiffened, realizing she hadn’t given it much thought.

          Julie’s jaw dropped, “You’re kidding me?” and then, “Why not the red –“

          “No way!” Kate objected promptly.

          Julie threw up her hands with a giggle, “Alright, alright. No red dress.” She spun about, “Not to worry. I have an alternative.”

          Kate shook her head, watching her friend rummage her bag a bit hastily, “Look, I’ll just wear a pair of jeans and – “

          “Definitely not!” Julie snapped, “You will wear this!”

            After some intensive curling from a hot iron and a slight heated debate over shades of lipstick, Kate stood before a mirror, observing the stranger there.

          Her eyes swept the image and she grimaced. The dress was beyond anything she’d typically wear. It was daring. It was sexy. It was everything she wasn’t. It was a beautiful dress, the color a dusty pink, stitched in allover lace with long sleeves.

          Its seductive fit and ruched sides hugged her frame in a way that made her incredibly aware of her insecurities and as if on cue Danny’s derisive tone mocked from afar, reminding her all too well of just how unworthy she was of such a beautiful garment.

          “I can’t wear this.” She said a bit forlornly.

          “You can and you will.” Julie affirmed in a scolding manner, handing her a pair of heels that were of that same dusty pink. “Besides, you really don’t have a say in the matter. It’s almost nine.”

          Her heart lurched, her eyes frantically seeking the little clock on her nightstand. It was almost nine.

          And just like that, the sudden droning sound of an engine steered into her driveway. The resounding knock that shortly followed sent Kate’s heart into overload.

          She felt like a teenager all over again – jittery nerves, an unsteady balance, and a heart that all but threatened to palpitate from her chest.

          Julie was more than eager to open the door and as she did, Kate nearly collapsed to the plush rug in a pool of hapless nerves.

          Leather and muscle all but filled her doorway and she was riveted frozen. A little breath worked it ways to her throat, lodging there, her eyes doing an artless sweep of the Adonis looming at her doorstep.

          He wore leather on his shoulders and beneath it a black v-neck stretched taut over a chest impeccably broad of muscle. Dark jeans hugged massive thighs, the fabric stretched to its capacity due to the brawn in which it sheathed.

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