Y/n Utsuwa Vs Gojo Satoru (Chapter 1)

Start from the beginning

A/n: "Sorry for the cringe dialogue! I just wanted to know how long I could keep that Cat thing going!"


Y/n didn't have to be Sherlock Holmes to figure out that there was more to Mihara Kirari than met the eye. Innocent? Hardly.

"Kirari-san, where the hell is this?" Y/n stammered, his voice no louder than a whisper. He wasn't sure he wanted to know the answer.

"Oh, it's our little secret hideaway," Kirari said, her voice melodic, and far too calm. "You'll see."

They were at the back end of the school, in a classroom Y/n didn't even know existed. Inside, there were four others, three guys and a girl. They looked like a mixed bunch, ranging from a stereotypical nerd to two guys who seemed straight out of a manga, all attitude and tough looks.

The room itself was devoid of artificial light, relying on the soft glow from outside, and the desks, probably as old as the school itself, had been piled up in the corner. It was then and only then Y/n spotted her – a fifth person, a girl he couldn't recognize. She wasn't in their school uniform, and Y/n couldn't quite place her clothes.

What was she doing, sitting atop the desks, looking down at him like that?

The fifth girl's smile was odd but not entirely unsettling. Her eyes, though, they were something else. They seemed to know something Y/n didn't, something that made his skin prickle.

Mihara seemed completely at ease, as if this was the most natural place in the world. "We meet here," she explained, gesturing vaguely around the room. "It's where we can be ourselves."

The nerdy kid was engrossed in a book that looked older than he was, the two tough guys were engaged in a hushed conversation that stopped as soon as Y/n looked their way, and the girl with them simply watched Y/n, not a single emotion on her face.

"Listen, this is all fine and dandy," Y/n said, his body shifting toward the classroom door. "But I'm getting some serious red flags here, and I don't think I'm going to stick around."

A high, cold laugh came from the desk where the fifth person, the girl, had been perched. "I thought you'd want to know about your sister. But I suppose not."

"The fuck are you talking about!?" Y/n spat, eyes narrowing. His sister was off-limits. A secret. This girl had no business mentioning her.

"You don't know?" The girl jumped down, looking him over like she was sizing up a used car. "Wow, you're not playing around, are you? What a joke!" She giggled, and Y/n's jaw tightened.

He fought to keep his voice level. "What's your point?"

She wandered away, hands behind her back, like they were having a pleasant chat. "Well," she said, "just think about it...With all that cursed energy you've got, the best way to get you to do something would be to grab someone you care about. Like your sister, for example."

"Are you telling me you did something to her?" Y/n's voice was cold, a thin layer of ice over a sea of boiling anger. He advanced on her, his fists clenching. He might not ever want to hit a woman, but right now, he wasn't sure she qualified.

"Hey!" The two guys moved in, forming a wall between Y/n and the girl, "I don't give a damn if you're some kinda hot shot. You back off. Now." They spoke in unison, like they'd practiced it.

"The hell are you two—" Y/n began, but was cut off.

"Y/n, your sister is none of our concern. Sure we took her, but we didn't want her, we wanted you." The 5th girl's eyes met his, "But it seems to me, if you didn't even know something had happened to her, you've got no right to be angry at me or anyone for that matter."

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