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June 9 2015

Link: Dark Link! What have you done with the princess?!

Darkie: Hahaha...What haven't I done with the princess?

Blue Link: You pig!

Purple Link: You beast!

Red Link: You lucky bastard!

Everyone: -_-

Red Link: Uh...I mean how dare you! >:U Hey! Where are you going? Come back!

Darkie: ~walking away~ He's right. I am a lucky bastard.


Me: I don't get it.

Shikaru: Your too young to understand.

Me: =___= Your not that old yourse-

Add: I dont either.

Shikaru: Your half nasod. You should.

Me: Don't worry I know, Darkie h-

Shikaru: ~covers my mouth~ That was close.

Me: ◐︿◑

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