Tale of the Ticklish Truck Driver

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Deputy Holcomb listened to the trucker's story with his undivided attention. "It was the weirdest thing.. " the man said, bewildered. He was a big strapping guy, in his forties, bearded-and barefoot, "You ever hear of such a thing, Deputy?"
"As a matter of fact, Mr Corley? Yeah. You're the fifth one this month."

Pete Corley pulled his truck over to catch a few hours' sleep. He parked in the lot of a church, near the edge of said lot under a cluster of tall trees. On the road thirteen hours, he needed a break. Sleep came quickly to Pete. No sooner than he dozed off did he hear the strange scraping sounds on the roof.
Pete chalked it up to tree branches or an animal crawling about the roof. The noises stopped, only to be replaced by more noise.Someone was breaking into his truck. Pete went to sit up-and failed. He had a moment of panic. Sleep paralysis? Pete wondered. He was awake, eyes open, but unable to move.
The intruder wore dark clothing and a bandit mask over his eyes, a doctor's mask over his nose and mouth. "Cozy back here..Ah, you're a big one.."the masked man tied Pete to the folding cot he slept on while traveling."I could sleep here in a pinch..got your little lamp here..a tablestand.." the man tied Pete's wrists and legs and ankles."Patience, big fella..." he untied Pete's shoes, pulled them off his large feet, "I like what you're working with,guy..so far anyway.." he peeled off the socks, "I like..I like..."he said. "You've got some nice feet here...soft, too.."
Pete lay there. The man rubbed oil into his pale pink feet, "Does it tickle...tickle...tickle...?" His fingers crawled up and down Pete's big bare feet.
A baffled Pete was grateful for one thing; whatever the guy had done to him, it prevented him from laughing like a lunatic. Pete's feet were extremely ticklish, and yet he felt nothing...

Pete's gratitude was premature. The paralysis effect dissipated,"...five..four..three..two...done" the man pulled the mask from his face, "I hafta tell you."he pointed upward, "You leaving your little skylight there cracked open was the break I needed," he said" See, there's this gas..I put some in my syringe, squirt it through your moon roof there and you breathe it in. I give it a few minutes, then I break in..tie you up. By the time it wears off..." he teased Pete's feet with a feather, "What's your name..?
"Pete Corley-hee hee hee-" Pete replied, feet twitching, "Don't-I'm very ticklish." he giggled.
"These are some nice feet, Pete.." he rubbed the feet.
"My wallet's under my cot."Pete said, nervous and baffled by the weird guy at his feet.
"I'm here for your feet, Pete Corley.." he caressed the arches, "See? I like tickling big, manly feet..I love it.Thing is, not too many guys are generous in the offering, so I have to resort to methods like these-knock out gas and rope." the tickler said, "Risky, but worth it...Wow do you have fantastic feet...cuchi cuchi coo.."
"Oh no! Not that-not that!" Pete burst into giggles, "Help! Help!"
"Pete Corley, this town is in bed by ten pm on a happening night. Stop all that yelling and take your tickle torture like a man." he scolded."What are these? A 13?" he tickled the feet with nimble fingertips, "You know, Pete, I do believe your truck has been infested with...tickle spiders...kitchy kitchy koo!" the creeper's fingers crawled rapidly over the tops and soles of the large bare feet.
Strength failing him, Pete howled with laughter. Struggling was a futile exercise. He was at the mercy of this foot tickling freak. The tickler used his fingers and feathers.He tickled the toes with a calligraphy brush, with a variety of artist's paint burushes. The tickler came prepared. Pete laughed and giggled, "These feet..these feet...I could tickle these big feet all night long.."
Pete feared he might be driven insane. The tickler, skilled at his craft, tickled Pete's feet to the breaking point,then he'd pull back. Once Pete's giggling subsided, he returned to tickling. The tickler paused to rub oil into his feet, "Please, no more! I can't take it-hee hee hee-"
"This is my tickle oil-actually it's sesame oil-I like the way it smells..Does it make your feet more ticklish..? Does it..?Tickle tickle tickle....kitchy kitchy koo..."he tickled a single fingertip to the arches." Ah, Peter..your feet were made for tickling. They're damn near perfection.The toes, the soles, that hair here.."he tickled the tops of the feet, "I'm a lucky, lucky boy...I've got these fantabulous feet to myself...tickle tickle tickle...tickle tickle tickle..."
The tickle talk was as maddening as the tickling itself. Pete's words were reduced to gibberish. He gasped and giggled and laughed and squirmed. Nothing was going to stop the foot tickling fiend.
"Of all the things to do to me." Pete thought to himself. Had the tickler chosen another victim that night, it was likely said victim wouldn't match Pete in terms of sensitivity. Pete angered his wife by tearing out a favorite carpet of hers and installing hard wood because the offending carpet tickled his feet. He had a neighbor, Gleason, who got a kick out of poking his ribs or tickling his bare feet when Pete rested in his backyard hammock. His useless brother in law, Andy, lived with Pete and his wife. Andy liked to creep into his bedroom when Pete's wife was at work and tickle his feet as he slept. Pete was a good sport about it; getting angry only encouraged more tickling. Both Andy and Gleason deployed a light touch that make Pete squirm and giggle. His feet were Andy's preferred target, "Hee hee-you're killin' me!" Pete giggled helplessly. The tickler offered him an out, "Ask me to tickle your feet and I'll stop."
"Tickle my feet!" Pete giggled.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes-!" he panted.
"Magic word."
"Please what?"
"Please tickle my feet!"
"If you insist-kitchy kitchy kitchy koo!" his fingers wiggled up and down the soles, "Mouhahahaha!" he laughed maniacally.

"No more..no more.."Pete whimpered.
"Thank you for playing, Pete Corley." The tickler stunned Pete. He kissed Pete's big ticklish feet. Pete squirmed, chuckled,"He likes..he likes..."
Pete giggled. The foot fiend wiggled his tongue up and down the soles, about the toes, "Tickle tickle tickle..."he tickled the balls of the feet, licked the wiggling toes. The tickle-fiend nuzzled Pete's soles, inhaled his manly and oiled scent. He mashed his face into Pete's feet, tickled the tops of his feet. Pete could neither ignore or deny the boner in his pants.
A chime sounded. The tickler ceased his torment."And just when things were getting fun.." he tickled up Pete's feet, over his legs, "Honk!" he grabbed the boner, and went on to tickle over Pete's ribs to his neck, "Crimony-you are about the most ticklish dude I've ever tickled." He cut Pete's left wrist loose, "Five more minutes!"
The tickler returned to Pete's big, beautiful bare feet and tickled for another five minutes. He covered the feet with kisses. A giggling, horny Pete fondled himself through his jeans."Okay "Feet" Corley." the tickler smirked. "Box cutter. Go easy. Don't cut yourself."he dropped the box cutter to the floor.

"..and I cut myself free and you know the rest." Corley said to the deputy.
"Just like the others. He helped them get loose and called the station to tell us where to find you.'
"He steal their shoes and socks, too?" Corley asked. "I still can't believe..ticklin'..of all the things to do to a guy." he blushed."It's embarrassing..a guy my size being so damned ticklish."
"It could be worse, " Holcomb chuckled ruefully, "You could be, say, a local lawman who was this tickle freak's third victim.." he blushed.
"Not only was I in uniform when he got me, he stole my badge along with my shoes and socks." he asked," Did he use the feathers? That about drove me crazy." he rubbed his booted feet to the floor," Just thinkin' about it gives me the giggles.."

Corley filed his report with the deputy and made his way back home. He greeted his wife with a kiss, not mentioning the incident with the tickle-fiend. Corley grabbed a shower and fell asleep the minute he hit the sheets. Corley dreamt of hands tickling his big feet. He came to giggling. Crouched at the foot of his bed like some adult juvenile delinquent, his brother in law Andy, grinned and stealthily tickled a fingertip up and down his arches. Pete giggled, feigned sleep and left his big,masculine feet there for Andy to tickle. After all, he'd suffered worse.

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