I am with him

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"Lan Zhan, wait!" Wei Wuxian called out, catching Lan Wangji's wrist before he could walk away from him. "I'm sorry."

Lan Wangji's expression was ashen and his brows knit together. "For?" he asked in a quiet voice that betrayed the turmoil inside of him.

Wei Wuxian hesitated, unsure of what to say. "... Everything."

"You're not being fair." Lan Wangji shook his head, but he turned around. His eyes were glassy and his lips set into a hard line.

"Lan Zhan..." He bit down on his lip, feeling like an idiot. "Look," he said, trying not to sound bitter. "Can we talk about this later? Please?"

Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan looked at the pair before they look at each other. They both turned around, trying to give the couple some semblance of privacy.

Lan Wangji stared ahead blankly before he spoke again, more softly than before. "Alright."

Wei Wuxian breathed a sigh of relief. "Okay, okay. Great." He smiled weakly, hoping his attempt to make light of the situation would help calm the tension between them for now, even if it didn't fix anything. They stood there for a moment, staring at each other before he heard footsteps approaching them and looked up Jin Zixun and several other Jin disciples walked over to where they were standing. Their presence made him tense again as the group of men sent accusatory glances at him. His jaw tightened in annoyance when Jin Zixun started shouting.

"Wei Wuxian! What kind of sorcery are you using this time?!"

"Sorcery?" Wei Wuxian spat the word out with so much scorn. "What have I ever done to you guys?"

Jin Zixun frowned deeply, "It's clear you've got something against us!"

"Us?" Wei Wuxian raised an eyebrow at them before he looked at Jin Zixun, "Who are you even?"

Jin Zixun paused in surprise before fuming, "You don't know who I am?!"

Wei Wuxian mused, "Why should I know who you are?"

Lan Wangji stepped forward, putting himself between Wei Wuxian and Jin Zixun. "Do you have any proof of that statement?"

"No," Jin Zixun huffed, puffing out his chest, "But that doesn't mean he isn't guilty." He pointed an accusatory finger at Wei Wuxian.

"Guilty of what exactly?" Wei Wuxian's tone was sarcastic. "Enlighten me." 

"Aren't you being too proud? "Jin Zixun sneered. "You know it what you have done." The way he said it, it seemed like he was only there to spout nonsense.

"Oh, I don't know." Wei Wuxian shrugged nonchalantly, "What have I done?"

"Today us a big day for the night hunt. You are really self-centred!" Jin Zixun continued his accusation, "Thirty percent of the prey has been captured by you. Aren't you proud of yourself?"

Lan Wangji looked at Wei Wuxian, "Thirty percent?"

Wei Wuxian simply stared back at him, neither confirming or denying anything.

A Jin disciple suddenly spoke up from the back, "Hanguang-Jun, you may not know yet. We were hunting just now. After quite a while, we were surprised to see that there was no prey in the hunting ground." 

"Yes. After asking Lianfang-Jun, who was watching from the stands, we came to know that within thirty minutes, with a sound of a flute, almost all of the prey walked into the nets set by the Yunmeng Jiang clan One by one to sacrifice themselves." Another Jin disciple added.

"Wei Wuxian! You are so selfish and you never think about others. Aren't you too proud?" Jin Zixun scorned, feeling like he was winning.

Wei Wuxian threw a glance at Jin Zixun in incredulity and snickered, "You people have said that, in the hunt, capability talks. Why do you betray your own words?"

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